Chapter 32 the aftermath

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Shawn POV
"Shawn get ur lazy butt over here" Camilla exclaims. I quickly ran over as we watched the sunset together.

"Just like old times" she said as she grabbed my hand and wrapped it around hers.

I quickly took it off though, because something just didn't feel right.

"Hey what's wrong" Camilla asks

"Oh it's just-" but before I could finish Camilla's lips come crashing into mine. For a moment I enjoy the kiss. She runs her hands through my hair and I grab her waist. But before things got too intense I see I'm getting a call.

Brian calling you...
"Um hey Camilla I have to take this"

She nods as She heads out from the balcony.

I answer the call and Brian says

"Shawn you can't just run off to Miami we're getting ready for the Grammys and tour here!"

"I know I know, don't worry I'll come back before the Grammys start I just really needed to clear my head. Get away you know?"

Brian sighed and says "I know, just don't be here late"

"I promise!" I say as I hang up to phone I walk up to Camilla and say "I have two days I can spend here before I leave what do you wanna do?"

I smile creeps up on her lips as she says "I have an idea"

Anna's POV
After a bit Mara and Cameron show up.

"Oh my god are you okay?!?!" Mara exclaims

I weakly smile and say "yeah"

Mara looks convinced I'm fine but Cameron says "can I talk to you In another room Anna?"

I nod as we head to my room. Cameron closes the door and crosses his arms and says. "Now what's really going on"

I just burst into tears and say "Shawn left all of a sudden and I think he knows I love him so I went to walk to cool off and now I got robbed and is it some sign what does it mean?!?"

Cameron gives me a hug and says "hey shhh don't worry we'll figure this all out together"

Complicated love 🥀 // SMHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin