Chapter 36 ummm

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Anna's POV

Oh god I can't believe Mara caught me and Shawn.

"Ummmmm" she says

"Mara wait I can explain!" I frantically say. "Shawn left something here so he came back to pick it up"

Cameron brings an eyebrow up as he says "but you were robbed remember, they took everything. Also last time I called Shawn he was in Miami with Camilla"

What I didn't know that. I look up at him hurt and he gives me a look like he was sorry but I just didn't want to deal with all his drama. There was an awkward minute of silence.

"Shawn can stay if he wants" Mara says, but before Shawn could say anything I said "no he can't he's busy"

I quickly pull Mara and Cameron inside while I kick Shawn out and before he can say anything I close the door. I hear my phone buzz but I ignore it.

"Okay then" Cameron says as he leaps on the couch.

"I didn't know he was hanging out with Camilla" I said. I took a seat right next to cameron and Mara who was currently sitting on his lap.

"Hey don't worry" Mara says "they're just friends"

"I hope so" I say

Shawn's POV

As Anna pushes me out I can tell she's mad about Camilla but before I can say anything she closes her door. Instead of staying there and causing a scene I decided to text her.

Me (Shawn): babe, I promise you nothing happened between me and Camilla. I love you and only you, call me when you have the chance

I pocketed my phone as I walked out of her apartment building and to my car. Before I could get all the way there some girls approached me.

"Hi Shawnie can we have a photo with you." I smile and oblige as they pull out there phones. Right as I'm about to leave one of the girls says "hey Shawn my friend and I are having a disagreement, I'm team Anna and she's team Camilla. Which team are you for?"

I look at them a bit confused and say "um what do you mean"

"Like which is a better match for you, I say Anna cause she's smart but my friend says Camilla cause she's actually pretty"

I can feel myself getting heated up, did people not think Anna was pretty. "Hey guys" I try to stay as calm as possible "both of them are beautiful girls, not just Camilla okay."

They both nod as I head off I hear one say "wait you never answered!" I just look back and wink at her and she stops talking

AN i love y'all ty for voting and reading ❤️

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