Chapter 57 Babysitter

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Shawn's POV
As Jamie walks out of the room he looks upset. Oh god I hope he didn't tell her. He looked at me with apologetic eyes and said "sorry I thought she knew..."

I sighed and said "it's not your fault it was bound to happen anyway" I just wish I could've told her.

Jamie's phone starts buzzing "shit" he whispers underneath his breath.

"What's wrong?" I ask

"My work just called it's an emergency, but I can't drop Cassie off anywhere" he sighs as he runs his hand through his hair and starts pacing. An idea came to my head just then "hey she can stay with me for the day if you want"

He looked up at me and raised an eyebrow "are you sure"

"Yeah man, come on you've known me forever I'm trustworthy"

He looks at his phone screen for the time and sighs as he says "thank you, I promise I will come pick her up from your house soon!" He rushed out of the hospital to I'm guessing his car.

I sat there right next to Cassie for a bit. She didn't talk much and it didn't look like she wanted to be disturbed so I kept my mouth shut. I waited a few more minutes before I decided to as, the doctors If I could go see Anna.

One smiled at me and said she would go ask Anna, but she came back later with a frown and shook her head saying that Anna said she feels to tired to have any visitors.

"When can she leave?" I ask hopeful that I could get to see her before I have to take Cassie to my house.

"I'm sorry she has to stay overnight, it's common procedure when these things happen"

I sighed as I smiled and said "thank you for your help anyway"

I head over to where Cassie was and say "hey ready to leave" the doctor was still next to me as she smiles and says "aww is that your kid"

I laugh and say "oh no it's just my friends kid, I'm the babysitter today"

"Ah how nice" the doctor replies. I feel Cassie tug on my jacket, she looks like she wants to leave so I say bye to the nice doctor and we walk to my car.

Now I live kind of far from where Anna and Jamie live, I bought a place in LA since I have been spending so much time here. I still have my place in Toronto though, it's just I come to LA when I'm recording and it's easier to have my own place to crash at instead of a hotel.

As we hop in the car I open the door for Cassie to come and sit in the front.

"I'm not old enough to sit in the front she says"

I mentally slap my head right forgot

I open the backseat for her as she crawls into it and sets herself down.

"Where are we going" she asks

"My house"

"How long will I be there for?"

"Um I'm not sure your dad had some type of emergency work thing"

"Okay" was all she said and after that it was a quiet drive to my house

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