Chapter 19 Long time no see

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Anna's POV
I told Shawn to meet me at this private beach I know. It's been 10 minutes and Shawn's late

Anna: Where are you?

Shawn: lots of traffic coming soon

As I looked at google maps I saw there was no traffic at all but I shook it off

After what felt forever aka 37 minutes and 17 seconds (yes I counted the seconds) Shawn arrived

"Hey look I'm so sorry I'm late but-"

"Hey Shawn?"


"Save it for someone who cares"

Shawn looked hurt at my words, but he deserved them. It was an awkward first few seconds until Shawn said
"Maybe I should go"

"No wait" I said

He looked back at me with hope in his eyes. I took a deep breath and said "as much as I hate to say this Shawn I miss you like crazy"

Shawn came up to me and said "I miss you like crazy too"

Our faces were inches apart but right before they reached each other I blurted "I have a boyfriend"

Shawn looked back at me and said "oh" I could see the disappointment in his eyes.

"Look Shawn I only came here to clarify that were over, okay?"

Shawn just nodded as he walked back to his car

Well that was one of the most awkward conversations of my life.

I quickly rushed back home where I still saw jack and quickly blurted "Iwannabeboyfriendandgirlfriend" he looked up at me with surprise as he came and kissed me with passion

I kissed back but I knew I really felt nothing. His kisses just felt like air, but when I kissed Shawn, oh boy I felt like I was on fire but in the  best way possible.

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