Chapter 66 Disneyland

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Shawn POV
As Cassie and I made it back to the apartment I made sure that I had called John ahead of time and asked if he could take us to Disneyland. He gladly replied yes and said he was going to bring the whole gang too. Including Matt who came to visit me by surprise.

As we got inside my apartment I already heard people chatting inside, so as I opened the door and saw a bunch of people I said "hey guys!"

"Hi shawn!"
"What's up!"

It was almost everyone Brain, Matt, Andrew, John, and Teddy. As we all headed out I noticed Cassie looking a bit paranoid by all these new people around her. As she walked by my side holding my hand she was biting her thumb as she looked around scared. But thankfully Matt came over and said "hey don't worry, I promise we'll all have fun" Cassie smiled and nodded a bit before continuing to bite her nail.

As we all got to Disneyland after taking two separate cars. One with me John Matt and Cassie and another with Brian Andrew and teddy. I noticed that as I was looking around a lot of people started to notice who I was. As we entered the gates the first thing we all saw was this big bush type thing with Mickey Mouse around it. An idea popped in my head as I said "hey Cassie let me get your picture infront of this Mickey Mouse"

She smiled and nodded as she proceeded to run infront of it and smile as I take a picture on Snapchat and try to send it to the group chat. As I hit send I put the phone back into my pocket. But Andrew immediately comes up to me panicked. "Shawn why did you post that on your story?" He says a bit stressed.

"What no I posted it on the group chat" I reply. Andrew shook his head as he handed me his phone with the picture on my story.

"Shit"I reply as I quickly take my phone out of my pocket and delete the photo. By now I know it's already all over the internet so i sigh. "I guess that we might need extra protection then"

"Ya think" Andrew replies a but stressed. I try to calm him down but he just glares at me madly. So I decided to step back. As Andrew pulls out his phone and makes a call I'm sitting here with Cassie right next to me showing her photos of my guitars on my phone. As she looks at my Silver fender electric guitar she says "ooOoOoo I like this one the best"

I smile and sat "me too it's one of my favorites" As Cassie and I continue to talk about guitars Andrew walks over and says "alright we have Disneylands security team today, but there gonna get us past all the lines. They just ask us not to take photos with the fans since it will cause too much commotion"

"What" I reply "but I can't do that to my fans.

Andrew sighs and says "I'm sorry, but as soon as all those people see your at Disneyland there's no way you are going to be able to take a photo with all of them. That doesn't mean you can't still talk to them"

I nod and say "okay, at least if I get to talk to them. My fans are everything"

Andrew nods as we go over to join the team who are talking to my new security guards for the day.

I'm low key proud of this chapter. Comment what you think and don't forget to vote. 🌺🖤

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