Chapter 38 A good few days

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Anna's POV
It's been a good few days with Shawn, we haven't really done much, all we have done is sit on the couch and watch TV. The Grammys are tomorrow night so he's going to fly out. I decided it was best if he went to the Grammy without me, so that him and I wouldn't be tempted to tell the world we're dating.

I think we both just want to take things slow, and first before rushing into anything want to see if it's better for the both of us if the world doesn't know about our relationship.

"Your so lucky your performing with Miley Cyrus" I sigh as I plop on the couch next to him.

He smiles and lays his head in my lap. "You can still come if you want"

"No I shouldn't, we should take things slow and not let the public know yet"

He smiles at me weakly before nodding and curling on top of me closing his eyes to get some sleep.

Now I'm really proud of Shawn and trust him but what worries me about the public not knowing we're dating is what If while he's there some girl tries to make a move on him. I trust him enough not to cheat on me, but I don't trust some of those girls.

I sigh as I carefully lay Shawn off of me and get up to go grab some Starbucks.

As I was walking out I saw someone who I though I wouldn't see in a while "jack?"

Shawn's POV
As Anna starts talking about the Grammys and everything I start to feel a bit stressed. I try to Ignore it and fall asleep but when I wake I still feel stressed and nervous.

I call up Camilla.

Calling Camilla.....

"Hey Camilla" I say

"Hey Shawn" she replies

"I was wondering if you had a bit to talk?"

"Sure, what about?" She asks

"The Grammys , I'm feeling really stressed and overwhelmed"

"Lay it on me" she exclaims

I sigh as I say "well since I'm performing I just really don't want to mess up and disappoint anyone"

Camilla laughs as she said "Shawn you could never disappoint any of us. Even if you fell of your butt and your pants fell off, we would all still love you no matter what"

I smile and say "thank you Camilla that really does genuinely make me feel better"

"No problem. Hey sorry I have to dash, we're rehearsing Havana"

I chuckle as I say "good luck " and hang up the phone


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