Chapter 120 Anna

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Annas POV
So now it has been almost a full week of both Shawn and Drew gone, and I couldn't be more stressed. But I hang out with Cassie when she's not busy, drink wine and cry in my room to sleep. So yeah...I'm doing okay for now I guess you could say.

The only real thing I actually look forward to is work. I am finally going back today, I asked for the day off but my boss said it was very important that all staff members come today, I have no clue what's going to happen but I hope it's good news.

As I dropped Cassie off at her school I made sure there was enough time for me to grab a cup of coffee before heading off to work. But before I let Cassie walk away I scream really loudly, "bye Cassie make sure you don't do too much weed!" She looks back at me like she was going to kill me. But I snickered as I drive away to the coffee shop. Damn I must be the worlds worst parent


As I shuffle through the doors of work I catch a few nasty glares from the office gossipers, they're always trying to find the scoop, but I am the whole damn tub so it works out great for them.

"I heard that kid of hers is actually Shawn Mendes" I hear one whisper. I scoff as I turn to them, "if your going to gossip about someone, at least make the effort to do it quietly" today has just went from tolerable to fuck this.

A few of them look at me rudely and say, "Well we weren't talking to you, stop eavesdropping"

"Oh yeah" I start only to see my boss coming in. I quickly shut my mouth as I flatten out the bottom of my skirt.

"Hello everyone" she says.

There are a few people that mumble back a Hello and others who just say quiet.

"As you all know, here at the Glamour magazine we all pride in our community. But I believe it's time our community had a change"

There are a few mumbles and concerned faces. Changes what does that mean, oh god no more bad news.

"I have decided to move the company to Toronto Canada"

I laugh at what she says, but quickly stop realizing everyone's staring at me.

"Is there something funny Ms.Claire?"

"No not at all Ma'm"

"Thought so, now as I was saying our company will be moving in a month, so you have 1 month to decide if you would like to leave or stay with the company. That will be all back to work."

As we were all dismissed I walked back to my desk unable to work. I 100% do not want to move to Toronto, cause I know it will give me false hope with Shawn and lord knows I have had enough of that already. But I don't know If I can find a new job in a month, and I have to take care of both me and Cassie.

I decided to not go with the company, because I know it will in the end lead to shawn. I walk to my bosses room as I knock on the door.

"Yes come in Anna"

"Hello Ms.Gordon" I tell her.

"What can I do for you"

"I have decided to not move with the company"

She stops looking at her papers as she puts them down and stares into my eyes, "and why is that Anna?"

"I just..there's some people in Toronto that I am avoiding."

"I know it's Shawn dear. And I suggest you should stay with the company, if you worked in fiancés or something like that then I would allow you to work from home, but dear you are our photographer. Your the best in the business please reconsider"

"What if I just fly up there when you need me?"

"What if I double your salary?" She says to me leaning her elbows on the desk.

"Double my salary?"

"Yes Anna, I cant afford to loose you. Especially when the whole world is talking about you. If your connected to my business that will do so much for me"

"Can I think about it?"

" I need a yes or no now Anna"

I sighed as I swallowed my pride "Yes"

"Great see you back in tomorrow" she says shooing me out of her office.

I have no clue why I agreed to just making my life ten times harder, but I did. So there's no turning back now.

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