Chapter 44 A new strange

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Shawn's POV
So the Grammys were yesterday, and even though I didn't win anything it was still so amazing to perform onstage, I have to say that was one of my favorite times I performed in my blood.

As much as I just want to go back and hang out with Anna I have to stay and shoot my Calvin Klein commercial. When this comes out the fans will freak

As I grab my phone of my nightstand and head over to the kitchen, I see an incoming call from Anna. I immediately answered it.

"Hey Anna what's up?"

"Oh nothing much just checking in with you"

"Oh all's good over here, I'm just staying for two more days to finish the Calvin Klein shoot and then I'll be able to come see you again"  I respond

"That's great, also about what I said with you and Camilla-"

"Don't worry, I've thought about it and I agree with you, if we want to keep our relationship intimate then maybe I should fake date her"

I don't actually want to fake date Camilla, but one thing I've learned is always agree with whatever Anna says

"Oh...okay well that's good. Bye"

She hangs up and I'm now wondering was it such a good idea to say yes to fake dating Camilla and what will Camilla think of all this. 

Anna's POV
As I hang up the phone from talking with Shawn a throw it beside my bed but miss and lit a crack in my phone great just great

I need to go rant to someone about my problems so I get in the car and drive to Jamie's.

When I get there I knock on the door to see Cassie (AN Jamie's daughter in case u forgot lol) she smiled and have me a big hug as she said

"Auntie I missed you!"

I smiled and replied "I missed you too, I'm so sorry I've been so busy lately"

She just smiled and said "don't worry"

"Is Jamie here?" I ask curiously looking in the house.

"Yeah but he's on some work call" Cassie said slumping her shoulder.

I patted her back as I said "how about I take you out for some food and we can chat girl to girl"

She smiled and nodded enthusiastically. I left a quick note saying I took Cassie out to brunch as I headed to the car with her.

"Where do you want to eat?" I ask her


"Alright chipotle it is" I respond. She just Smiled and nodded.

After we had sat down and gotten our food Cassie asked me "what's on your mind?" So I told her, everything.

"Wow that's a lot to take in" Cassie responds letting out a breath


"Well I think of you want him and your relationship to work you should trust him and his decision, but if you want him to not do it then tell him." Cassie responds. I'm in shock of her answer.

"How are you so smart, aren't you like 2 or 3?!?"

"Hah no I'm 5 daddy just always forgets my age" Cassie laughs

"Well you must be the most genius 5 year old I've ever met"

She smiled as we are both of our food

I was both scared and impressed by what Cassie said. Because it was both true but also scary how true it actually was.

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