Chapter 86 Tour

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Shawn's POV
When I finally reached Johns room I still felt pretty woozy, when I hopped out of the Uber I said "thanks" as I tried to reach for the handle of the door. It felt like it was at three places at once.

When I finally grabbed the write handle I hopped out of the Uber and tried to walk into a straight line up to the room John was staying in.

While I was walking to the elevator I saw a few fans waiting in the the front, and when they saw me they jumped up and quickly formed around me. I took a few photos with them and I'm pretty sure I ended up laying on one of them for a few seconds.

After I had successfully taken photos with everyone I waved goodbye as I tried to make my way to the elevator.

When I got to the elevator I looked at all the different buttons. Focus Shawn he's on floor 14. As I hit my face to try and see right I was able to somehow successfully hit the floor level 14, and make my way across the halls to John room.

I quickly knocked and heard to response, I could feel my body about to give out so I quickly rested it against the door. Knocking again each time more repetitive.

After around the thirteenth knock I felt the door open, but as soon as it opened I fell to the floor and felt my eyes get heavier and heavier. 


"Shawn Shawn!" I felt a body shaking me up.

"More sleep less talk" I groggily replied as I pulled the blanket over my face.

But I quickly felt the covers being ripped off of me leaving me bare in my T-Shirt and Underwear. 

"Ughhh I'm up!" I replied as I looked up to see who it was I realized it was Josh.

Damn it I didn't make it to my phone in time.

"Hey John do you have my phone?" I asked him.

"Oh yeah, is that why you came to my room drunk"

"Oh yeah sorry about that by the way"

"Don't worry I'm used to babysitting you"

"Ha ha very funny, now can I see my phone"

John nodded as he handed me my phone I quickly saw a voicemail from Anna. As I listened to it I realized it was meant for someone else.

"Hey Dr.Chaftman, I'll be a few minutes late to our session, I'm sorry I totally forgot about it!" Was all she said, but god I forgot how much I missed her voice.

Wait did she say Dr.Chaftman, is she seeing someone to get help? God I hope she's okay.

I had a million thoughts rushing through my head and every single one of them was about Anna.

I realized that if I text her now this may be the only time I get a response from her.

I quickly took up all the courage I had as I sent her a text.

To Anna; hey think that was meant for someone else 🙃

Seriously Shawn why that emoji?!?!

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