Chapter 119 Who are you anymore?

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Shawn's POV

"Aaliyah Mendes" I boomed, everyone turned their heads into my derection.

"OUT" I shouted so loud that I think the people upstairs could hear me.

No one moved though, they all stood there staring at me, "I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT" After I said that everyone had dashed out of the room except for Aaliyah and that guy.

"AALIYAH HERE NOW" I screamed. She didn't even look in my derection, she kept staring at that guy wispering something to him. He though stared at me with no fear as my sister was talking to him.

"DO NOT MAKE ME ASK AGAIN" My voice is getting raspy at this point from yelling so much. What the hell is wrong with her why would she do something like this.

She looked at me in disgust as she said, "I don't have to listen to a single thing you say. Your not my father"

"Well I can sure as hell call him" I say, cooling down from my heated blow out.

"Do it" She said sqinting her eyes at me. She quickly went back to looking at that guy as he grabbed her face by her cheeks and slammed it onto his lips.

At this point I was furious, they began to stand up to leave the room, but I quickly grabbed this guy and punched him straight in the face, I didn't stop though. I kept hitting and hitting him.

"SHAWN" Aaliyah screamed trying to get me off of him. But she couldnt.

After about a good thirty seconds I stopped to realize what I had done, but I didn't care. I was becoming this monster, but it felt so good.

"Get out" I spit as the boy runs away out of the house.

I sit back inpecting the blood he left on the carpet, until I heard footsteps of someone trying to run up the stairs.

I quickly grabbed her by the arm as she looked at me in fear, "I don't even know who you are anymore"

I decide it's best to let her go, she'll probably jsut go up to her room to cry or some shit. God Shawn what has gotten into you today? Your such an asshole.

I quickly try to go up to Aaliyah's room only to hear the front door slam. I quickly run down the stairs as I head to the front yard. There is no other cars beside mine outside, but everyone left before she could go to a damn car

I check my phone to see the time, 1:12 am.

"God damit where are you Aaliyah" I scream hoping she is not out here all alone this late.


I have been walking around all of Pickering looking for Aaliyah, but I can't find her anywhere.

Shawn you dumbass she's proabably at her friends Chloes.

I knock on the door to find Chloe wearing a robe looking pissed at me, "Go away Shawn" She spits.

"Please, I'm begging you let me in"

She looks back behind the door, I am guessing where Aaliyah is, "I am sorry but no"

I quickly grab Chloes door before she can close it. I can see her strugling to clsoe it, "Shawn please stop."

But before she can close is I grab her by the waist gently and throw her over my sholder before placing her outside as I go to look behind the door I see Aaliyah curled up in a ball with her head covered.

I crouch down on the floor as I hug her. She doesnt hug me back but I deserve it.

"I am so sorry" I say to her.

"Who even are you anymore?""

"I'm still the same shawn, Liyah, I really didn't mean to, just old feeling sparked with Anna and my emotions have been hightened"

"I can't be around you when your like this" She says looking up to me, "I need you to promise me somthing?"

"Don't worry I wont beat up anymore guys" I say hoping to get a laugh out of her, but I only get a frown.

"No not that"

"What is it then?"

"I need you to promise me to stay away from Anna."

Guys should my next book about Shawn be my best friends brother, or living with Shawn Mendes

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