Chapter 95 Deep

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Shawn's POV
I'm in some deep shit right now, after I invited that girl to just crash at my house The whole world started thinking we slept together. It doesn't even make sense, we weren't even holding hands. I have already let out statements and so has she saying we did not sleep together I was just letting her crash at my place, and of course my fans believed me, but the media had a field day with this. Talking about how I was cheating and how Camila was pregnant, it wall all just one lie.

I'm in my room with my headphones plugged in as I am listening to still in love by third story.

I hear a knock at my door as I say "who is it?"

"Your wife" I hear them say.

I quickly hop off the bed as I go to open the door.

"Camila what are you doing here?" I ask her.

"Trying to save your ass you douche" she says quite pissed.

"I didn't sleep with her!" That makes Camila stop as she turns to me.

"I know" she sighs as she plops on the corner of my bed.

"What are we gonna do?" I ask her.

"I think we should still stay 'together"

"Are you sure? I mean I know we're fake but I don't want to bring you down with me."

"Don't worry about me, we just got to make sure we get photographed together to show we're better than ever."

"Oh Camila" I sighed "I wish that life was the same as it was back the , when the only thing people actually cared about was the music."

She leans on me as I wrap my arms around her.

"I know Shawn, trust me I know"

"Then why are we faking a relationship"

"What do you mean"

"Why don't we actually start a relationship?" She looks up at me like I'm crazy, which probably isn't wrong.

She sighs as she says "because as much as it pains me Shawn your still in love with Anna and I don't really think you'll get over her"

"Wait for me?" I ask her. She kisses me on the forehead as she says "always"

I love y'all also warning there's gonna be a couple years gone by in the next chapter ;)

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