Chapter 9 Wish You Were here

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Anna's POV
A few days later
Since I kicked out Jake a few days ago before he could give me my meal I found a few old ramen meals and warmed one up. I don't want anymore visits from him so I've been surviving off of those. Great way to spend Christmas Eve Anna. Even though I was a bit annoyed I wasn't too bothered, I'm used to no big celebrations or anything like that and since my only friend Mara is busy with her family I'm all alone.

My thoughts are interrupted by an incoming FaceTime call from Matt. It was a little weird for him to FaceTime me, but I answered anyway. "Hey Anna we miss you!!!" Matt says and then shows almost half of Shawn's entire family and friends. I was eating a bite of ramen with my hair in a messy bun as I quickly choked on it and awkwardly smiled.

Matt's phone was quickly passed around the room as people were eager to meet Shawn's new girlfriend. As the phone got passed to Aaliyah I let out a sigh. She chuckled and said "stressful night" I laughed and said "you don't know the half of it" Aaliyah's face soon turned into a concerned look that I know all too well.

"Look I know this time of the year can be tough alone especially know" I can't believe Shawn told her about Jamie.

My brother Jamie was the best brother you could ask for he was sweet and polite and always got you gifts. We were two years apart but inseparable. Him and my parents got into a huge fight which ended with him leaving, and then a few days later missing. Leading those missing weeks to months, and then to years.

"Trust me he's out there" I say to Aaliyah with confidence she nods as I say "hey it was great chatting with you all, but I have to go. Enjoy your Christmas!" I say my goodbyes with a weak smile and hung up the phone.

I grab my knees and pull my covers up to them and start crying, I didn't stop for three hours. I can't help but feel like Jamie abandoned me. He was my brother after all.

After I calmed down I start scrolling through my feed, all I see is pictures of happy family's celebrating Christmas, but as I scroll down one more I see Shawn with his parents and a new puppy and friends and I can't help but scream and throw my phone across my room.

I can't help it I just feel so alone, like the worlds is trying to remind me that but thanks a lot world I already knew.

Shawn's POV
I feel bad posting all these photos without Anna here, but I know she doesn't mind, I mean she said so herself. As I walk over to Aaliyah she says "I just got off of the phone with Anna and when I brought up Jamie" I interrupted "you did what!?!!" Aaliyah was about to say something but I interrupted again "I told you that In confidence not something to tell her!"
"Look I'm sorry it was a mistake" she says
"She's probably crying right now you know how she is about that stuff" by this time my voice was booming and the entire house was staring at me I ran up to my room and slammed my door like a little kid.

So much for a Merry Christmas.

End of Chapter 9

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