Chapter 140 mommy

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Annas POV
It's been two days since all the drama of the Grammy has happened and I am not doing well.Now I know this is a surprise when I actually admit that I am not doing great but I am getting there so there's no need to worry.

Today, I was thinking about Shawn and Charlie, which got the me thinking about families, and what my family would be like with them. Which then got me thinking about my family, specifically my parents.

We have never gotten along well, and out of these 5 years we have only seen them twice and that was to drop off Cassie and pick her up. I never trusted my parents, nor did I like them. I always saw them as cruel and unkind people, but right now more than anything I needed my mother.

"Hey Cassie, want to go visit your grandparents?"

Cassie looks at me puzzled, "are you sure? I know you don't like them that much"

"I'm sure trust me" I say motioning for Cassie to join me to the car.


I ring the doorbell filled with anticipation

"Cassie, Anna!" My father says, he looks surprised as he pulls Cassie and me into a hug.

"Hey father" I respond, "my my look how much you've grown Cassie!" He says. Cassie just awkwardly smiles.

" hey, why don't you take Cassie out to ice cream or something" I say to my dad.

He claps his hands as he says, "what a marvelous idea, Cassie are you up for it?"

Cassie looks back at me and then proceeds to look at my father, "sure"

"Great" my father says, he points her to his vintage Porsche car as Cassie stand In awe of it. She walks to the car and lip says to you owe me. As I respond thank you.

I proceed to head into the house as I hear noise in the study.

"Well if he wants the 2 million dollars tell him to get off his ass and come here."

"Mum." I say as I cream open the door

"David I'm gonna have to call you back" she says as she hangs up the phone. She looks at me as if I am an alien. It makes me self conscious.

"Hi mum." I say awkwardly.

"Darling, your outfit is a mess and your hair is all messed up what has gotten into you?" She says examining me.

I ground as I said, "mum I came here to try and have a civil conversation with you but this is gonna be really hard if you keep up your attitude."

" no wait, I really want to try please stay" she says quickly

I look at her surprise, I've never really seen this side of my mum, she seems more caring maybe even more human. I thought about telling her immediately about Shawn and Charlie but I decided against it, it's better to ease into that stuff.

" so how have you been?" She asks, I laugh at her question.

"Actually not too good"  I respond keeping my eyes locked in the carpet just like old times.

"Tell me everything" she says, motioning for me to sit next to her. I laugh with a bit of tears in my eyes, all of this felt so surreal, her being so nice and gentle was nothing like my childhood.

After a long conversation and many tears we were able to work through almost every single one of both our problems. She admitted even that what she did to my siblings was wrong and that she should've never treated anyone like that. I can't fix the past but it definitely helped. I also admitted that maybe I wasn't the best at trying to keep in contact but she definitely made it hard for me to try which she also admitted to. Overall there are a lot of differences we had but I feel like were so much better now.

"There's one more thing.." I say to my mum.

"Darling, you can tell me anything" she says with a smile.

"It's about Shawn and Charlie." I start, she nods her head for me to continue. "They asked me to choose between the two of them." Tears slowly start seeping out of my cheeks.

"Honey" she starts wiping my cheeks, "now before I access the issue was it really both of them who asked"

"Well not technically, Charlie asked but Shawn implied it."

"Anna, I think this is one for you to answer, which is the one you could see 10 years from now with a kid, who's the one who will be by your side no matter what, who will treat you better."

After she says that Cassie and my dad get home, and as I see the look on Cassie's face I know she wants to leave, so I quickly said my goodbyes to my parents and head out to the car. Still thinking about what my mum said.

Who can treat me better?

Complicated love 🥀 // SMNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ