Female N (Pokemon) x Male reader

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(Just imagine she has her hat in that picture.)

As per usual only the ideas that gave birth to this chapter belong to me. You have a Weavile as a pokemon.  Only the Weavile because I don't have enough creativity to think of an entire team. You're starting this story with a white shirt and a pair of sweatpants.


I was a peaceful day up in your mountain cabin, the sun shining brightly through the patchy clouds. I was cold but you were used to that, having lived up here all your life.  You were out in front of the house chopping wood while Weavile took a nap on the front porch.  Ah yes, your partner Weavile, you hatched him from and egg and the two of you have been through the best and worst together (although he's been through some rougher times) and the two of you are still best friends through all of it.  You split the last log and sighed, wiping the sweat from your forehead.

(Y/N): That's the last one. We'll be prepared if it rains.

Weavile: *snoring* Weav. *continues snoring*

(Y/N): Yep.

You started stacking the split wood on your porch as Weavile continued to snore away.

(Y/N): Sure it's lonely up here, but I wouldn't really have it any other way.

When you finished you looked at the fruits of your work with a sense of pride before hearing a loud rumbling.  You looked up and saw dark clouds slowly approaching your home. You gently woke Weavile and he let out a big yawn and rubbed his eye.

Weavile: *sleepily* Weav?

(Y/N): Hey, come inside a storm's rolling in.

The two of you did just that and sat on the sofa, you with a mug of hot chocolate and Weavile daintily sipping away at a cup of tea.  You had begun reading the newspaper you picked up at the store yesterday and were looking through a story about a group called Team Plasma being defeated by an elite trainer.

(Y/N): Interesting to say the least. Headlines like this make me grateful nothing like that happens here.

You flipped to the next page as lightning flashed outside followed by the rumble of thunder.

(Y/N): Even in the act of destruction nature is beautiful. *drinks from mug*

You were halfway through another article about the Sinnoh champion, Cynthia, taking a vacationing here when Weavile started tugging on your sleeve.

(Y/N): Yeah?

Weavile: Weav!  Weav! *pointing out the darkened window*

(Y/N): There's nothing out there bud.  Probably just a shadow from the lightning strikes.

You went back to reading as the storm raged on.  After another lightning strike Weavile's pulling and pointing became more frantic.

(Y/N): *sighs* Fine I'll look out there.

You got out of your comfy chair and went to the window, fully opening the curtains.

(Y/N): See? Nothing out there.

Just as you said that lightning illuminated the darkened exterior, revealing a figure outside that was slowly and shakily approaching your home and causing you to jump in surprise.

Weavile: *crosses arms* "I-told-you-so" Weav.

(Y/N): *looking out the window* You think they're okay?

Weavile: *shrugs*

Worried, you took your flashlight and went outside to see who the stranger was.

X male reader InsertsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon