Panty and Scanty x male reader(s)(part 2)

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I'm going to be calling Panty's (Y/N) Hazama and Scanty's (Y/N) Terumi just to avoid confusion. Only the story belongs to me. Now we continue from where we left off.


Hazama: Well. Let's not waste any more time.

And with that they lunged towards each other. The first round went something like this.

During all this the Anarchy and Demon sisters, somehow, got over their differences and were enjoying some popcorn while watching the fight.

Panty: (muffled) So, (swallows) Who do you think will win?

Scanty: No clue.

After this exchange they both shoveled a handful of popcorn into their mouths Terumi got back up and round two started.

Hazama got back up looking like he was enjoying himself with Terumi wearing the same look.

Hazama: This is fun, but now I'm not going to hold back anymore.

Terumi: I feel the same.

Hazama and Terumi: Now.

Terumi: No more Bulls*it!


The two seemed to be bursting with energy.

Scanty: This looks like it'll be interesting.

Panty: Yeah. Never really seen him go all out.

Then the two went back at each other for their final round.

(Skip to 0:36)

Panty walked over to Hazama and helped him up and Scanty stood next to Terumi. Then Panty walked over to Scanty and held her hand out. Scanty took the hand and shook it.

Terumi: Why aren't you trying to rip each other to shreds?

Scanty: We found a way to get over that, and I must say it's nice to not be constantly trying to rip each other's throats out.

Hazama: Say what?

Panty: We're not going to be trying to kill each other anymore.

Hazama: Okay. Can you help me home Panty? I think my leg is about to give out.

The two of them walked away, Panty carrying Hazama's arm around her shoulder. Terumi and Scanty walked away in the same manner although Terumi's walk was straight.

with Hazama and Panty

Hazama was passed out on Panty's bed with Panty using him as a pillow.

Panty: There's nothing that would make me stop loving you.

Hazama smiled in his sleep as Panty fell asleep on top of him.

with Scanty and Terumi

They were cuddling on the couch watching their late-night shows as usual when a thought came to Terumi's mind.

Terumi: So. What are we going to do about your father?

Scanty: What do you mean?

Terumi: I can assume he's not going to be happy about your newfound friendship with the Anarchy sisters.

Scanty: We'll take care of him when he finds out. But for now, what he doesn't know won't, literally, hurt him.

Terumi: Ah I see.

The two of them snuggled closer into one another and smiled.

~The end~

X male reader InsertsWhere stories live. Discover now