Pyrrha Nikos x male reader.

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Here we go. You should know the drill by now.


You were the happiest guy in the world. You just confessed to your longtime crush and she returned your feelings. You were walking her back to her dorm.

(Y/N): I had a great time. How about you?

Pyrrha: Yes.

(Y/N): Do you want to do this again after the tournament tomorrow?

Pyrrha: Of course.

(Y/N): Great.

You reached the JNPR dorm and kissed her on the forehead. You then started walking back to your dorm. You are the leader of team FIRE. Your teammates are Iori Yagami, Ralf Jones, and the beautiful Eliza.

Iori: How'd it go?

(Y/N): We're a couple

Ralf: Good to hear buddy.

Eliza: That means I get that cutie Jaune all to myself.

You went to bed and fell asleep.

Timeskip brought to you by Skyrim

You were searching for Pyrrha in the chaos when you found someone else. You followed her to the top of beacon tower.

Cinder: Hello brother. What took you so long?

(Y/N): Just life. Schoolwork, my friends, my relationship, and training.

Cinder: Always were a smarta**.

Just then Pyrrha arrived at the top of the tower via the elevator. You created a wall of flames around you and Cinder.

(Y/N): Stay out of this. This is a feud between brother and sister.

A flame ignited in your hand.

(Y/N): The flames call to me.

A flame ignited in Cinder's hand as well.

Cinder: Then answer their call, AND BURN OUT!

The two of you fought leaving Pyrrha helpless on the sidelines. The two of you were evenly matched. But Cinder found a weakness in your defense and within a second you were on the ground. Instead of finishing you off though she extended her hand out to you.

Cinder: I'll give you the same offer I did all those years ago.

Option A: Refuse

(Y/N): Go to hell.

Cinder: Very well then.

And without another word you were slain.

~Bad End~

Option B: Rugal

(Y/N): Fine.

You took Cinder's hand, but as she pulled you up you put her in a choke hold. You pulled out a detonator. Then you looked at Pyrrha with tears in your (E/C) eyes.

(Y/N): I'm Sorry Pyrrha. Goodbye.

Then you looked at Cinder with a look of insanity.

(Y/N): Welcome to my world.

And with that you pressed the button.

~Sad End~

Option C: Accept

(Y/N): Okay but only if you let her and the rest of my team live.

Cinder: I can agree to these terms.

After that you, Pyrrha, the rest of your team, and Jaune were at Salem's command.

~Bittersweet End~

I hope all of you enjoyed this insert especially the person who requested this story. Have a good day and we will see you in the next story.

X male reader InsertsWhere stories live. Discover now