What's happened/is happening/will happen

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So, hey everyone. If you're reading this then that means you haven't deleted this book of absolute failure from your library and moved on to something else, and if that's the case then I'm genuinely appreciative to you for giving me a chance in the first place.

This all started out as a way to express the thoughts that I was always coming up with and share them with people I never had any possibility of meeting.  I never expected anyone to enjoy it, nor did I really care if anyone enjoyed it it. Hell, I expected to be panned as an awful writer every time I wrote something because after reading it once published I started thinking it was all stupid and awful, looking at things I could've rewritten to be more concise/less repetitive, or dialogue that could've felt less forced, or plotholes that I should've caught.  Even now there are some chapters I think we can both agree aren't my best work and stand out as being more cringey, forced, and generally awful than the rest, not naming names.

Much to my surprise, people actually enjoyed what I wrote and some wanted more, so I kept writing. I wrote whatever came into my mind when I had the chance, sometimes when I should've been doing something else, and I enjoyed doing it, and if anyone, even just a single person, enjoyed it that was enough for me.  For a while I trucked along like that.

However, recently I've found myself with a few problems, first was a lack of time, High school and now College have not left me with much in the way of free time, second is a lack of new ideas, yet another thing that the 'Rona hasn't helped, and lastly a lack of motivation to write, even when I have something I want to write and the time to do it I end up deciding to do something else.

So, with that barebones explanation given you're probably expecting me to say that I'm actually quitting.

Well, no. While I can't always find the motivation to write I also can't bring myself to actually say definitively that I'm not doing it anymore, and by extension say goodbye to this community. I still have things I need to finish, and much as the eye twitch I've developed might impede me I'm going to finish them. It might be some time before something gets added to THIS book since I'm going to work on the smaller ones, maybe even finishing one or two. But I mean it when I say that I'm still here.

This is Bob signing off for now, and if all goes well you'll hear from me again really soon.

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