Valentine x reader part 1

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Skullgirls does not belong to me. There is a reason as to why this will be in two parts. I'll explain why later. You look like this guy, but without the long hair.

 You look like this guy, but without the long hair

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Bonus points to whomever knows the character. Now on with the story.

You work with Anti-Skullgirl group Last Hope, and honestly it's not that bad. You , essentially, get five years vacation when everything's quiet, you're paid decently, and Valentine. She was the reason why you got the job in the first place. You got into a fight and she happened to see you beat the bald muay thai jerk into the ground she came forward with the job, and you've been working there since.

????: (Y/N)? (Y/N) wake up!

You had a habit of falling asleep at work whenever there wasn't a skullgirl. You looked up to see who woke you up and, surprise, it was Valentine. You had a very well kept secret and it was that you had a crush on the ninja nurse. She had an A+ body and she enjoyed your medical comedy. (Think Markiplier's surgeon simulator series.) Little did you know that one day would rock your world.  One day you had left to get lunch for everyone and when you came back everyone was dead. Hallow, Patty, Easter, Christmas. The only body you didn't find was Valentine's, but seeing the state of the others you feared the worst. Despite the misery you were feeling you have everyone a proper burial. You even played "Taps". You then chiseled the gravestones and left for the nearest bar to deal with the wave of depression that had just overcome you.

(Y/N): Sleep well.

To be continued.

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