Shantae x male reader

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Only the story belongs to me. You get to choose how you look. You have aerokinesis which, for all of you who don't know what that means, means you control wind. Now that that's over with let's get on with the story.

I hope you enjoy.

It was a normal day in Scuttle town, no pirates attacking for once, a nice gentle breeze rolling through. Yep this day was beautiful. Where were you on this lovely day? Using your powers to mess with that weirdo Bolo. You were sitting a few miles away looking at him through a pair of binoculars as you used your powers to fling random objects at him.

(Y/N): (chuckles) That's what you get perv.

????: What are you looking at?

(Y/N): AH! Oh, hello Shantae. Just looking at Bolo being attacked by random objects. Wanna see?

You handed the binoculars over to your friend and she began to snicker at his misfortune.

(Y/N): It's nice to have some downtime, and not be attacked by pirates.

Just as you said that there was an explosion.

(Y/N): I just had to open my mouth.

You grabbed a dried branch you'd fashioned into a club, and also a butterfly knife just to be a showoff, as Shantae ran towards Main street. Good grief that place seems to be a magnet for pirate attacks. Then you reached the source of the attackers, which weren't actually Tinkerbats you now realized.

(Y/N): Well it ain't Risky this time.

Shantae: What makes you say that?

(Y/N): Do you see any Tinkerbats?

Shantae: True.

(Y/N): That aside. Let's get this over with and find out who it is so we can go back to watching Bolo get pelted with sticks and stones.

When the two of you actually found out who was behind this attack you burst into hysterical laughter.

(Y/N): It was YOU! AH HAHAHAHA CAN'T BREATHE! I can't believe it was you! A stupid overgrown squid!

(Is it obvious who it is yet?)

(Y/N): I really don't want to deal with you Mr. Calamari. Storm Tornado!

You summoned a small whirlwind to launch Squid Baron halfway across the world.

(Y/N): Aaaaaaaand he's outta here!

Shantae was standing behind you with her mouth hanging open. Oh yeah, did I mention nobody knew about your aerokinesis.

(Y/N): Oh. Heh. Did I forget to mention that I can control wind?

Shantae: Yes. In the four months we have known each other.

(Y/N): Yeah. I didn't want anyone to know. You're an example. People find out that you have some type of power over an element or a power in general. And then you lose your weekends.

Shantae: -_- You still follow me when I have to do something like this.

(Y/N): (blink blink) Oh yeah. Well then. Keep this a secret. I want to keep messing with Bolo.

Shantae: Sure. But.

(Y/N): Oh no.

Shantae: Only if you use it to help me whenever we do this.

(Y/N): Oh, okay then. That's not what I thought you were going to say. I thought you were going to ask me to move from behind the hatchery to your home.

Shantae: Oh right. That too.

(Y/N): Aw bolts. And that's my fault for putting the idea back into your head.

X male reader InsertsWhere stories live. Discover now