Robo-Fortune x male reader

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Only the story belongs to me. This'll be fun, writing a love story for a robot.


You were running for your life from an army of undead. Until you somehow ran yourself into a corner. Then as you prepared yourself for the end something started fighting its way to you. Several seconds later you saw your savior. It was a robot that was seemed to be modeled after a cat person.

(Y/N): Thank you for saving my life.

Robo-Fortune: Beep. Boop. You are welcome human.

You started to walk home. When you got there you noticed that the robot cat had followed you.

(Y/N): Fine I guess you can stay with me.

The robot made some sort of noise that you assumed indicated happiness. You opened the door and walked into your house with the robot following you. You sat down in front of the TV and turned the news on. The robot sat down in front of the chair like a cat. It started to purr like a real cat.

(Y/N)'s mind: Those are some advanced robotics.

Then you got an idea. You started to pet the robot's head. The reaction was far from what you expected. You expected it to just rub against your leg or something. Instead it glomped you. So there you were sitting in your chair with a news report about the Skullgirl blaring on the TV, and a neko robot snuggling into you.

Robo-Fortune: Robo-Fortune loves human.

(Y/N): That was really fast. Name's (Y/N) by the way.

Robo-Fortune: Robo-Fortune loves (Y/N).

So you put an arm around "Robo-Fortune" and turned on "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure" and started to binge part three.

Robo-Fortune: (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Yes?

Robo-Fortune: What is love?

You chuckled and kissed her on the metal lips.

(Y/N): Does that answer your question?

Robo-Fortune: Yes.

~The End~

X male reader InsertsWhere stories live. Discover now