Cerebella x male reader

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Only the story belongs to me.


You were a big fan of the circus especially the main act: Cerebella. Then you made the mistake of telling your former best friend that you loved her. He told his friends, they told everyone, and now people bullied you. You were sitting in the stands of the big top. You were really tired and were trying to not fall asleep, but unfortunately you did and that's what caused your life to change forever. You were shaken awake by a performer you didn't recognize .

????: Hey pal the show's over. You don't have to go home but you can't stay here.

(Y/N): Sorry I'll get out of your way.

You walked home only to see that it was on fire you saw firefighters trying to extinguish it. You scrambled around looking  for your family to no avail. You realized what had happened and fell to your knees sobbing. The next day you went back to school the next day expecting to be bullied again. Instead Everyone was trying to make you feel better. Much to (F/N)'s disdain.

(F/N): Why are you being nice to him? He's probably just lying to get your sympathy.

Randy: I saw his house. You give me a camera I'll give you a picture of the pile of ashes that used to be (Y/N)'s house and family.

(F/N): Whatever. He's still an idiot who tries to reach what can't be obtained. Might I remind you about his love for that circus performer?

(Y/N): (mumbles)

(F/N): What was that stupid?


Then you punched (F/N) as hard as you could.


Long story short you were sent to the principal's office, and unfortunately you were expelled for attacking a student. So you tried to drown your sorrows at the circus watching Cerebella. Then you fell asleep again. And the same performer woke you up again.

????: Why are you here again? Don't you have something to do at home?

(Y/N): No. My home burned down yesterday. I was hoping coming here would help drown my sorrows.

????: Sorry to hear that, but I'm still going to have to ask you to leave.

Cerebella walked up next to the other performer.

Cerebella: Feng, please don't be rude to the poor kid. What happened?

(Y/N): My house burned down with my family inside and I just got expelled for punching someone.

Cerebella sat next to you and had Vice-Versa put an arm around your shoulders.

Cerebella: Sorry to hear that kid. You can stay here.

Feng: Are you sure about this?

Cerebella: Yes I am.

She used Vice-Versa to carry you back to her tent. When she got there you had fallen asleep. She smiled and set you down on her bed. Cerebella smiled and kissed you on the cheek. You smiled in your sleep and pulled her into the bed with you.

Cerebella: Good night (Y/N). I love you too.

~The End~

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and we will see you next time.

X male reader InsertsWhere stories live. Discover now