Panty and Stocking x male "Demon" reader

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Nothing belongs to me aside from the story. You look like this but your eyes are normal, and so are your sandals. Beads are optional.

 Beads are optional

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Our story begins with you smashing a shape-shifting monster's face into the ground. From that formed (Insert Kanji Here) on the ground.

(Y/N): Die

The thing died from blunt force trauma and the ensuing inferno afterwards you walked away. Little did you know there were two women watching you from a distance.

Panty: Looks like he just did our job for us.

Stocking: You're gonna sleep with him aren't you?

Panty: Yep

Stocking: You have no idea how predictable you are.

They followed you to a nearby alley. Then they saw that said alley was your home. You laid down in a surprisingly clean blanket and fell asleep. That's when those aforementioned angels got an idea.


When you woke up were wrapped in your blanket and on a clean bed. You got up and walked around seeing yourself in a very nice house.

(Y/N): Hello?

Panty: Well look who's awake.

(Y/N): May I ask why you and your sister kidnapped me?

Panty: How did you-

(Y/N): There's enough sugar in this room to put any normal person into a coma, and judging by the hot sauce on your dress indicates that you're not a big fan of sweets. As for the fact of her being your sister that was just a lucky guess.

Panty: You're smart. How... Sexy.

(Y/N): No I'm not going to sleep with you.

Panty slumped in sadness as Stocking walked in from behind you. 

Stocking: Well there's a first for everything.

(Y/N): Hello there cutie.

Stocking: Why thank you.

(Y/N): Now tell me why did the two of you kidnap me?

Panty: Well you're really handsome.

Stocking: And we saw that you lived in an alley.

Panty and Stocking: So we decided to take you here.

Panty: Also because we thought this would make Garter freak out enough to put him into a hospital.

(Y/N): Ok.


After some time of living with them you had grown closer to the two angels. The fact that you were part demon causing the preacher to burst a blood vessel in his head helped. Today you left the house for the mayor's home since you heard the mayor was also some type of ghost/demon. You confronted him and well...

As (insert Kanji) appeared on your back you said

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As (insert Kanji) appeared on your back you said.

(Y/N): Arrogant fool.

And with that Corset drew his last breath. When you returned home you were glomped by the two beautiful angels and they showered you with kisses.

(Y/N): Aww. I missed you too.

Then you passed out from exhaustion and they dragged you into Panty's room. You can fill in the rest with your own dirty mind.

The Ende:

Sorry if I've disappointed you but the rest will be better than this. Hopefully.

X male reader InsertsWhere stories live. Discover now