Female horror movie characters x male reader

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You're Hazama. Nothing belongs to me. You'll be with female versions of some of the most famous horror movie characters there are. Such as: Jason Voorhees, Freddy Kruger, Ghostface, and one that I can't remember at the moment so she's not going to be in it... I'm sorry plz don't stab me :'<. I just remembered, it's Michael Meyers.


You set up your camera and read over the script you'd written. You turned on the camera and addressed the people trapped in a room.

(Y/N): (cheerfully) Hi there! I'm (Y/N) and I'll be your killer this evening. The four women I so graciously call my lovers are getting the day off. So you've got me to deal with. Each of you have a small explosive and a tracking device implanted into your spine. If you try to escape without me letting you, then I'll detonate them. Rules are on that piece of paper on the floor.

You turned the camera off and walked into another room checking on the four playing Poker.

(Y/N): Hello everybody. Are you all doing well?

Jay (female Jason): We're doing well, thanks for asking honey.

(Y/N): Glad to hear. I'm recording the victims in any of you want to look at it later.

Sam (female Ghostface): I will.

(Y/N): Alright, you need more chips?

Fredda (female Freddy): Sure sweetie.

Michelle (female Meyers): (grunts).

(Y/N): I'll be back.

You walked into the kitchen and grabbed a chip bag before taking a look at where the victims were.

(Y/N): Almost to the second one.

You brought the bag to the poker table and walked back into the camera room. You turned on the camera and looked upon the victims seeing that two of them were gone.

(Y/N): Hehehe. Well my pretties. Looks like some of you have fallen.

Guy in red shirt: (flips off screen) FUCK YOU!!!!

(Y/N): It's a two-way system asshole. I heard all of that, and I can see you too. You know what, you're dying next.

You turned off the camera and started pressing buttons. He was later cut in half with a giant buzzsaw.

  (Y/N): Asshole.

You watched more of them die, leaving two of them left. 

(Y/N): Ah such delightful despair.

Three minutes later

(Y/N): Hey everybody I heard you're working with concrete. SO I BROUGHT SOME REBAR! Oh wait. Says here that one of you two has to beat the other's head in with it. HAVE FUN!

You watched a man and his girlfriend beat each other with rebar. Until the dude's face was a bloody pulp.

(Y/N): Time for the last part of your torture. I have one of the same tracking devices that was implanted in your spine sewn into this hat. Now I'm giving you a radar that'll show you where you are in relation to me. You find the wooden door you get to live. RUN BITCH RUN!!

You grabbed your fire ax and walked through the maze looking for her.

(Y/N): Where are youuuu? You know when I find you I'm going to slice you from sphincter to sniffer?

After three minutes of searching you saw her run into the dummy door. And broke down the door with your ax and lived out a meme.

(Y/N): Here's Jonny!

You completely broke down the door and proceeded to embed your ax in the screaming woman's face.

(Y/N): Annoying bitch.

You walked back to your living room and called to your lovers.

(Y/N): It's finished everyone, who wants to watch the tape? I'm making popcorn!

Everyone piled into the room and sat on the couch. You put several bags of popcorn in the microwave and took the recording and popped it into the TV. And now we return to the beginning of this chapter and repeat the scenes with you on the giant screens and your victims dying.


Tell me, how does this rate on a scale of one to suck?

X male reader InsertsWhere stories live. Discover now