Vambre x male reader

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Only the story belongs to me. You look like Masked King Dedede. The difference being you are human and your robes are purple. I haven't watched the show in a while so forgive me if I mess some things up.


You are a great warrior. One that legends spoke of. Where were you now? Guarding a magisword with your magic ax. Today you looked up from your freecell game to see a very pissed looking rabbit.

(Y/N): What do you want? Oh wait let me guess. The sword in the cave behind me? (Irish accent) If ye' want it ye'll have te' fight me for it.

You stood up and took a baseball swing with the flat of your ax flinging the lagomorph as far as humanly possible.

(Y/N): They were no different from the others. Can't I get a decent challenge for once?

You went back to your game. Three hours, and five shuffles, later two new people came along one being male, the other an attractive female.

(Y/N): More people after the sword?

???? 1: yes.

(Y/N): Do you even know the story of this sword?

???? 2: Uhh, no.

(Y/N): Well pull up a log. Telling a story sure beats using my ax as a baseball bat.

They rolled logs around your campfire.

(Y/N): Long ago when the magiswords first started appearing there was one the power of which was greater than the rest. The first wielder let this power go to their head and went mad. They were eventually defeated by my father and he took up the task of guarding the sword. When he stepped down I stopped my travels and took his place. The legend ends by saying that whomever can defeat the guard is worthy of the sword and of the guardian's eternal love. Now that that's done. I guess you still want to fight me.

???? 1: Yeah.

???? 2: Of course.

(Y/N): All right then.

You stood up and engaged the two.

Two minutes later

You had knocked the man unconscious and moved on to, who you assumed to be, his sister. Then she beat you. Your mask started to crack.

(Y/N): Well. You won. Might I ask your name?

???? 2: Vambre and the one sleeping is Prohyas.

(Y/N): Siblings?

Vambre: Yes.

(Y/N): Ouch. Well take your first prize Vambre.

Your mask cracked even more. She took the sword, which looks like a more aggressive version of the Master Sword. Your mask cracked even further, almost down the middle.

(Y/N): Now for your other prize.

Your mask split in two and when she saw your face she immediately got a nosebleed. You smirked.

(Y/N): Like what you see? Well, get used to the view because you're going to be seeing it for the rest of your life. Any objections?

Vambre: (blushing) No.

You chuckled, picked up her brother, and put an arm around her waist. before walking back to their shared home. Later Vambre had made you share her bed with her. She was sleeping on your chest.

(Y/N): One more thing before I forget.

Vambre looked up at you and you gave her a kiss on the lips. She hid her blush in your chest.

(Y/N): Good night.

And with that you hugged her and fell asleep.

~The end~

X male reader InsertsWhere stories live. Discover now