RWBY harem x male reader (18)

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Continuing the story.

Now it was the finals of the tournament. But something was different about (Y/N). He seemed to be more aggressive. The round started. He rushed towards Pyrrha and slashed with his knives. She blocked and countered pushing him back. He started casually walked towards her slowly juggling a length of his Ouroboros chain. But when she tried to capitalize on his ignorance he jumped over her and wrapped the chain around her before slamming her into the arena. Then he stomped on her stomach a few times before kicking her away.

(Y/N): (angry voice) Helloooo. Are you awake in there?

She started firing at him only for him to kick up a serpent-shaped trail of energy destroying the bullets. He used a chain to pull Pyrrha towards him before wrapping her in Ouroboros chains and throwing her into the air and stomping her again. He kicked her in the stomach and slapped her with green energy before kicking her away.


Penny, in the audience, was trying to figure out where she's heard that voice before. (Y/N) tripped Pyrrha and slammed her into the ground with his other foot before stomping on her again and kicking her into the wall.

(Y/N): (aggressive voice) Alright! No more bulls**t!

He was surrounded in a flaming blue aura and looked more sinister than before. Then he rushed forwards taking her and throwing her into the air before pulling her back down into the arena floor. He pinned her to the floor with an axe kick 

(Y/N): (aggressive voice) SERPENT'S LACERATION!

He began to relentlessly stomp on her stomach before kicking her away leaving her aura completely drained. Then a name suddenly came to Penny's mind.

Penny: Terumi. Who's Terumi?

Little did anyone know this wasn't the last time Terumi would show his twisted personality. Outside the arena (Y/N) is with Jim and is shaking his head trying to remember fighting Pyrrha.

(Y/N): I'm telling you I don't remember any of it.

Jim: That's really weird.

(Y/N): Probably just amnesia.

~To be continued~

X male reader InsertsWhere stories live. Discover now