Makoto Nanaya x male reader

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Huge. Puppies.

GOD DAMMIT RAGNA GET OFF MY COMPUTER AND OUT OF MY HOUSE! Nothing, but the story, belongs to me. You're this amazing dude.

 You're this amazing dude

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(Y/N): Ragna. Shut up about it already. I do not have a crush on her.

Ragna: Yes you do. If you didn't then you wouldn't do everything you've done for her. Buy her flowers, buy her chocolate, take her out to breakfast, lunch, and DINNER-

(Y/N): ALRIGHT! FINE I do kinda like her.

Ragna: Be honest man.

(Y/N): Okay yes I do love her.

Ragna: How about I help you get a date with her?

(Y/N): I already asked, she said yes.

He gave you a hard pat on the back smiling. Later you were walking with Makoto to a random restaurant and you saw a shady-looking figure in the shadows. You walked in the establishment and were seated by a fish-lady. You looked at the menu and after a few minutes ordered (Favorite food).

Makoto: Thank you for taking me out (Y/N).

(Y/N): You know I'll always say yes if you ask me. So I thought I'd ask you for a change.

The two of you got your food and devoured it, making a contest of it, and left. Then you found out who that shady figure was. It was Tsubaki.

(Y/N): What do you want?

Tsubaki: I've come to arrest you for fraternizing with a wanted criminal.

(Y/N): (sighs) Alright then. So either I come with you quietly or you beat the shit out of me. DOUBLE REPPUKEN !!

She took your bait hook, line, and sinker by jumping over it and taking a swing at you

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She took your bait hook, line, and sinker by jumping over it and taking a swing at you.

She took your bait hook, line, and sinker by jumping over it and taking a swing at you

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(Y/N): Let's finish this!

(Y/N): Let's finish this!

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(Y/N): Abayo.

You put your arm around Makoto and walked away leaving Tsubaki unconscious and possibly internally bleeding

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You put your arm around Makoto and walked away leaving Tsubaki unconscious and possibly internally bleeding.

Hillbilly Joe: Internal bleeding isn't that bad the blood is supposed to be inside you. If it's outside your body then you need to worry.


You walked Makoto to her home and were about to leave when she grabbed you and forcefully kissed you. Your eyes widened as she subtly pulled you into her home and threw you on the bed.

(Y/N): Wait, Makoto what's going on?

Then she stripped.

(Y/N): (nosebleeds) I have no objections to this.

~You fill in the rest~

X male reader InsertsWhere stories live. Discover now