Let's see if you can figure this out

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So, because I couldn't help myself I wanted to give all you fine readers a clue as to what's happening next in the Fo:E series I've made within this book. So here's a couple scenes from the next part, with the character's names left out. there's also going to be a small announcement regarding that series to those of you that care about it.


(Y/N): Huh. Portraits of you guys.

????: Oh Look it's me. But not quite as magnificent!

(Y/N): *sweatdrops*


????: Ah, the same weapon I used to kill my wi-. Oh no, that was something else. I used iron.

(Y/N): Part of me wants to know the rest of that story.


(Y/N): What the fuck was that?

????: It- it jus-, *laughing* It just blew them all over the place! Wow.

There you go, Those are your hints. Now try to figure out who the characters are. If you figure it out, make sure to type backwards in the comments.

Also, regarding that series. I'm thinking about making the characters anthropomorphic in the future installments just to make it easier on myself in terms of writing. Not 100% sure if I'm going to do that though.

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