Cerebella x male reader x Feng

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Nothing belongs to me I gots nobody to use for an example since this is probably going to be the shortest chapter I've written all year.


Your occupation was as a con artist, who beat the living ANNIHILATION crap out of people as his form of art,  and you regrettably worked for the biggest criminal organization in all of the Canopy Kingdom ,the Medici Mafia. Your boss had paired you with his circus performer bunny Cerebella to find a cat and take care of a certain albino.

(Y/N): This is boring b-b-b-b-boring.


(Y/N): I can't help if the truth is annoying.

Cerebella: True.

(Y/N): What are you thinking of doing with the Skullheart?

Cerebella: I'm going to wish for Vitale to love me.

(Y/N): You don't think that'll blow up in your face?

Cerebella: Not at all.

(Y/N): Alright.

You gripped the switchblade in your pocket.

Three hours later

Well, Cerebella had made her wish and you were now going back to the circus. But instead of a welcome back or a standing ovation from anyone you saw a scene straight from a horror movie. Beatrix, Hubrecht, Taliesin, Regina, a few more you didn't know, they were all butchered.

(Y/N): W-who could have done this?

Feng: (screams from other room)

You and Cerebella ran to the source of the shriek and saw Vitale with a blood-stained knife trying to stab Feng.

Cerebella: Vitale! What are you doing?

Vitale: I need to get rid of them, they're in the way of us.

You took a running start and dropkicked him square in the face causing him to let go of Feng. You took the switchblade out of your pocket and flicked it open.

(Y/N): C'mon Vitale, get a hold of yourself. I've seen this happen before, it never ends well for anyone.

Vitale: I liked you (Y/N), but now you're getting between me and Cerebella and I have to get rid of anyone who gets in my way.

He lunged at you with his knife aimed at your throat. You grabbed his arm and threw him over your shoulder into the floor.

(Y/N): I didn't want to do this, but you've forced my hand.

You took your switchblade and stabbed him in the jugular killing him instantly. You dropped the knife as Cerebella and Feng latched onto your arms. Both were thanking you as Cerebella cried into your arm. You put your arms around them and pulled them closer, comforting them after what had happened.

(Y/N): It's okay. Everything's going to be alright.

You spent the rest of your life taking care of them and making sure Vitale never came near them again in life, un-death, or re-death. And as a side affect they began growing closer to you, taking care of you when you were sick and staying by your side come hell or high water. It was tedious, but your reward was two beautiful women who would go to the ends of the earth with you.

~The end~

Who here knows what this is based off?

X male reader InsertsWhere stories live. Discover now