Overprotective Fem!Omega Zero x Bullied and Abused Male reader

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This is going to be hard for me. Let's try. Only the story belongs to me.


Another day of waking to the hellhole you call life as you were beaten awake by your piece-of-shit brother and his baseball bat. Thank God your parents weren't cruel enough to get him a machete, or the barbed wire kit. You jumped on him and shoved the bat up his ass. Later you were walking to the bus stop and you saw your best, and only real, friend Omega but you called her Ohm, after one of her favorite YouTubers. Seeing her every day made your life worth living.

(Y/N): Good morning Ohm.

Omega: Good morning (Y/N).

She frowned seeing that you were covered in bruises.

(Y/N): Oh. I uh fell down the stairs.

That wasn't entirely a lie you did fall down the stairs. But your father shoved you down them. She continued to frown, then gave you a hug.

Omega: if anything's wrong don't hesitate to tell me.

She was always protective of you so the bullies that would beat you up every day would wait till you went to the bathroom before kicking the shit out of you. You smiled and hugged her back. Later that day at lunch you were sitting next to her when you suddenly felt the urgent need to take a crap. When you did you got the living piss beat out of you as soon as you zipped your pants up.

Bully 1: I can't believe your friends with one of the hottest girls in school.

You sat back down next to Omega after you regained feeling in your arms.

Omega: What happened to you!?

(Y/N): I slipped in the bathroom. It's nothing to worry about Ohm.

Omega: this is the third time this week you've "slipped in the bathroom." And what did you fall on? Cement?

You could hear the disbelief in her voice. Luckily for you the bell rang signaling the end of lunch. Later at home you were eating a nice plate of salt, meat, and milk. In your room. With the door locked. And your brother's bat next to you.





(D/N): IT'S A HER!


You grabbed the baseball bat and unlocked the door.

(Y/N): Gonna be negan this.

You walked down the stairs, brandishing the bat at anyone who raised a hand to you. Unfortunately you couldn't do this at school and this would end when the bat eventually breaks. You opened the door and were surprised by the person on the other side.

(Y/N): Ohm?

Omega: Hi (Y/N). Can I come in?

(Y/N): Sure, just don't look anyone in the eye

You led her to your room cracking your brother as he tried to pounce on you. When you got there you locked the door behind you.

Omega: Nice house you have here.

Your shoulders bounced as your back was turned to Omega. She grabbed your shoulder and turned you to face her. She gasped as she saw the tears streaming down your face.

Omega: (Y/N), what's wrong?

(Y/N): Ohm. My life its like a fart.

She hugged you.

Omega: (Y/N) don't say that.

(Y/N): It's true though. I've been lying to you.

Omega: What do you mean?

(Y/N): Every day I get the piss beat out of me in the bathroom.

She hugged you tighter. And you cried on her shoulder.

Omega: (Y/N), I love you.

You smiled.

(Y/N): Ohm I love you too.

After that day you were never bothered by those bullies again. After you started dating you moved in with her. That is, not before you busted your brother's kneecaps. The two of you lived happily together.

~ned teh~

Yay back to my roots of writing this on my cellphone.

X male reader InsertsWhere stories live. Discover now