Taokaka x male reader

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Well then, It's come to this. I've gotten into Blazblue even more so than before. So here's an insert for my favorite catgirl from the game.


You were just enjoying a normal walk that had led you through the most rural of places when you decided to sit down on a bench and eat your lunch. You unpacked it and looked at the steamed meat buns with hunger in your eyes and began to eat them. As you were eating you began to hear rustling from the bushes next to the bench. You stopped eating and looked over seeing what seemed to be a cat's tail. Deciding to humor the animal you tossed one of the buns over to the bush. You expected a normal cat to come crawling out of the bush. What you didn't expect was a girl wearing a cat-themed hoodie and heels with a cat tail to jump out of the bush and quickly devour the bun. Then she turned towards you. You looked at the bun in your hand and held it out to her.

(Y/N): Want another one? I've got plenty.

She eagerly took the bun from your hand and sat down next to you. You smiled as you continued to eat your lunch with this catgirl sitting next to you and happily eating buns with you.

(Y/N): So do you have a name or do I just call you "cat"?

????: Taokaka.

(Y/N): That explains the tail and other cat-themes. Everyone from the Kaka clan is a cat.

She nods with her mouth full of meat.

(Y/N): So, Tao. Would you mind accompanying me home? I really don't want to walk alone at night.

Tao: Ok.

So you walked home with Tao following you close behind. The whole time she was trying to wrap her arm around you, and every time she did you shrugged it off. She was visibly annoyed by the time you got home.

(Y/N): Would you like to come in? I'm making more buns.

She really didn't give you an answer. Mostly because of how mad she was at that point. You sat across from her as she ate her buns silently fuming. You extended the offer to stay to her and she did accept it, very rudely.

(Y/N): I'll show you to your room.

Tao: Yeah, whatever.

You led her to your room before leaving to take a shower. You went back to see her muttering to herself.

Tao: It's so annoying how he's oblivious to my advances.

(Y/N): Oh. I'm not being oblivious I'm just not keen to P.D.A.s.

You said before tackling her onto the bed.

(Y/N): I love cats and cute girls, and you're both.

You gave her a tight hug and she responded by snuggling into your chest.

Tao: I love you (Y/N).

(Y/N): I love you too Taokaka.


Yeah I know It's short.

X male reader InsertsWhere stories live. Discover now