Umbrella x male reader.

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Nothing other than the story belongs to me. This takes place several years after Marie was the skullgirl. In this your the older brother to Annie girl of the stars. You look like this guy but with a shirt, pants, and shoes.

 You look like this guy but with a shirt, pants, and shoes

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I hope you enjoy.

You were sitting in a diner eating your meal in silence when someone walked in. It was your little sister Annie. She was wearing an over-sized hoodie probably to hide from her fans.

(Y/N): Hello again sis. Do you still hate me?

Annie: No. You did what you had to do. I wanted to ask for your help.

(Y/N): With?

Annie: Defeating the skullgirl.

(Y/N): Sure anything for my little sister.

You smiled and continued to eat your food. When you finished some pervert started to flirt with your sister.

Riccardo: Hey there hot stuff. How about I get you something?

(Y/N): Hey! Back off creep.

Riccardo: Make me.

You got up, grabbed his head, and smashed his face against the table three times breaking his nose.

(Y/N): I hope you've learned from this.

Riccardo: (groan) (tooth) (tooth)

(Y/N): Good. Now then shall we be off?

You and your sister then left. After about fifteen minutes you encountered a girl with a raincoat and the freakiest Umbrella you'd ever seen.

(Y/N): Wait aren't you the princess's sister? What are you doing here?

Umbrella: I have some... personal business to take care of with the current skullgirl.

Annie: Would you like to help us?

Umbrella: Okay.

Annie and (Y/N): That was easy.

Umbrella: But only if you can beat me.

Annie and (Y/N): (groan)

(Y/N): All right then.

You cracked your knuckles and got into your fighting stance.

(Y/N): Are you ready? (insert awesome attack name here)!

The attack quickly defeated Umbrella, and you stood triumphantly as your sister's jaw dropped in awe.

Annie: When did you learn that?!?

(Y/N): When you have traveled around to as many places as I have you tend to learn a few things.

Umbrella woke up and the three of you continued on with your journey.


The whole journey to track down the skullgirl Umbrella never let go of you. When you finally found her.

(Y/N): Uh sis. Isn't that the president of your fan club?

Indeed the skullgirl was none other than Princess Parasoul.

(Y/N): Now I know what you meant by "personal business."

Just as you said this Parasoul summoned an army of skeletons and zombies.

(Y/N): (sigh) Well little cutie she's all your's leave the rest to us. (insert another awesome attack name here)!


Umbrella defeated her sister and destroyed the skullheart, hopefully for good this time, and the three of you gave the princess a proper burial. You hugged Umbrella and without saying a word the three of you left. In the aftermath you and Umbrella became boyfriend and girlfriend. Annie got you a recurring role on her show and you never had to deal with another skullgirl again.

~Happy end~

I hope you all enjoy. Sorry it took me so long to get this out there. And type the attack names in the comments I'm really curious as to what you thought up.

X male reader InsertsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora