Blackjack x Male pony reader

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Hey there all my loyal readers who were interested enough from the last one to come and read this. Now, for today's readi-


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What the hell was that? Umm, anyway I'm gonna keep going with this 'cause I actually had fun writing the last one. I overcame my previous laziness and found a different picture of Blackjack, whom I affectionately call BJ for reasons.

Let's see, what to do. Well, you're a unicorn now. Same coat and mane colors as last time. Those of you that are perceptive will get it. You have a police uniform over ceramic armor, a machete, and a USP-S Stainless from Counter Strike. No source material belongs to me.

As a certain plumber says a-Here we go!

You woke up with a yawn, and tried to blink the sleep out of your eyes. Soap, your Pegasus friend, was shaking you awake.

Soap: Come on (Y/N) it's time to go.

(Y/N): (groans) Alright Soap, just stop shaking me please. I don't need another headache.

Soap: Get up already, I don't want any of the factions around here to find us. Especially not in this rat's nest. Any of them could turn this place to splinters in seconds.

You got out of the bed and stood upright.

(Y/N): Let's go.

The two of you continued your trek across the wasteland. The two of you really had no purpose, you were just trying to survive. The various gangs around Hoofington didn't make that easy they either wanted you to join them or, more simply, to die.

(Y/N): That was really weird.

Soap: What are you talking about?

(Y/N): Had a pretty vivid dream last night. I was in prison, then I escaped, then I went crazy and got shot in the head.

Soap: Must've been from when we went through Yellow River.

(Y/N): Yeah, I'd say that too If there wasn't a hulking monstrosity of a warden and I didn't have an exploding collar strapped to my neck. You weren't there either.

Soap: Really? Must've been from one of your books then.

(Y/N): I didn't think of it like that. Maybe.

The two of you continued to trek through the ruined landscape, hoping to find some kind of charity in the form of shelter. Or somepony willing to give you shelter. The two of you didn't have enough caps to stay at Tenpony Tower so you went to Hoofington to look for stuff to pillage. Maybe being out here for a month would make you enough for a square of cheese and a plate of crackers. You were interrupted from your thoughts when the two of you heard gunshots. Gunshots that were steadily approaching you.

(Y/N): Keep your rifle ready Soap.

You said as you checked the magazine in your pistol.

Soap: (loads M4) If we're lucky then we won't have to fire a shot.

Just after he said that the gunshots stopped and the two of you looked at each other and grinned.

(Y/N) & Soap: SCORE!

The two of you made a mad dash to where the shots were coming from because you knew that either both parties involved had killed each other or there were some scattered stragglers you two could pick off with ease.

Soap: YES YES YES! We might be able to get food that isn't rotten or riddled with disease!

(Y/N): Or even better, get enough to finally leave the Hoof for good.

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