Panty, Stocking, fem!Garterbelt, Scanty, Kneesocks, fem!Corset x male reader (2)

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We left last time with you mentioning a plan involving the girls who had stormed into your office, and had been forcefully removed. Now your security force had replaced the anarchy sisters and were collecting the ghosts after destroying them. Soon the people had forgotten about them and your company was  championed as the savior of the city. One day you decided to let them  go after a ghost that had kidnapped someone they knew, didn't seem to care about him though. You waited in the shadows, studying the angels, examining their every move. When they were finished arguing about whether or not to leave Brief there you stepped forward and took him yourself.

(Y/N): Pan, Prom. Get our guest back to the office and prepare a room for him.

Prom: Yes sir.

They left while the angels glared at you.

(Y/N): Why so mad? You're looking at me like I took a piss on your favorite food.

Stocking: You're the reason we're stuck here.

(Y/N): Oh that. Well I needed to make a positive public image and that was the best way to do so. Besides from what I've heard it's better down here than it is up there, there aren't as many rules.

You let out a chuckle as they lunged forward to attack you.

(Y/N): So unbearably naive. Release!

You lashed out with two chains that grabbed onto them and jerked them to slam the two into the floor.

You lashed out with two chains that grabbed onto them and jerked them to slam the two into the floor

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

(Y/N): Avidazen my friends.

You casually walked away as they tried to shake off the shock of being slammed into solid concrete. Afterwards you were sitting in front of poor, unconscious, Brief as he began to wake up.

(Y/N): Good morning my friend.

Brief: W-what are you going to do to me?

You raised your hands in defense.

(Y/N): Nothing, quite the opposite actually. I want to give you an offer you won't refuse.

Brief: O-okay.

(Y/N): Perfect. I do love when my plans come together.

~To be continued~

Well, I hope I've built this plan up enough to peak your interests. Because it'll be revealed in the next chapter.

X male reader InsertsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt