The Monster

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Gavin's POV

She just walked out of my life forever.  There's no hope, and officially we were never married. 

If I were Kori, I would walk away too.  I fucked up massively, and regardless of my fidelity, I did betray her all because of Claudia. 

The only way to survive the loss of my wife and child is to turn everything off.  I'm getting rid of Claudia once and for all.  I threw her out, but she just keeps bouncing back.  Kori is right, Claudia did kill our child.  I fell for the same damn shit again, and now I'm alone.  No wife, no baby, and nothing but an empty fucking mansion.

I hate Claudia.  With all my being I hate her, and it's time once and for all for her to see how much I fucking hate her.

After a long day at work, I'm fucking tired and her car is in my goddamn driveway.  Her bastard child goes days without seeing his mother, and if Emma would have survived, I'm sure it would have been the same.  Today, she will see the monster she has created.

I swung the door open and yelled for everyone to leave.  All of the staff are to leave instantly.

"Where the fuck is she?"  I asked Katheryn

"She's in the gym, sir.  I asked her to leave, but nobody has changed the pin code."  She says.

"If she ever comes here again, you are to call the police.  Now, you and the others need to get the fuck out!"

She scrambled and I stormed into the gym, slamming the door behind me.

"I told you to never come back." 

"Oh, Gavin, we both know you don't mean it." She blew me off.

I lunged at her and grabbed her by the hair.

"You ran my wife off, killed my child, and hurt Keegan.  Are you ready to see the man you have created?"

I stand behind her with my fist in her hair, her head back as I talk next to her head.  It has to hurt, but that's the point.

She smirks.  "Show me just what I created." 

I shoved her face into the table in front of us and pulled her head back.  "You are going to regret the day you ruined my marriage."

I pushed my pants and underwear down before pulling down hers.  "Are you sure you want to know.  Because this is going to hurt so fucking bad." 

"Hurt me!" 

She lays her hands down flat on the table and I rip open a condom.  "Who knows where the fuck you've been."

I shoved my dick into her ass.  "Gavin! Get off!" 

"That's what I plan to do.  You got off on hurting me, so I'm going to get off on hurting you."

I pulled out and slammed into her again and she screamed in pain. 

"You gave me permission, so I'm going to fuck you like the whore you are." 

"Gavin, stop!" She cried.

I pulled her head back by her hair.  "You are nothing but a murderer and the biggest whore I've known. "  I bit her ear and she cried. "Do you want me to stop?" 

"No, just don't hurt me." She cried, and I slammed into her and hoped I'm causing her a lot of pain.

"I love my wife, Claudia."

I pulled out and shoved myself into her pussy.

"Yes, Gavin!"

"You're so fucking lose.  Kori is so damn tight." I slammed into her again.  "She knows how to satisfy a man, unlike you.  Your body is so sickening to me, that I have to picture my wife just to get hard."

'That's not true."  She cried.

"Oh, but it is. See this ass?  It's disgusting.  Only good for a desperate man." 

I repeatedly slammed into her.  "You're so fucking loose I can't get off!"

She sobbed.  I picked her head up by her hair again.  "You want this, don't you?" 

"Yes," The sick fucking bitch likes this?  She's nothing but desperate.

I slammed her head back against the table.  "I have to rub my own cock when I'm inside you.  You're disgusting, you know that?" 

"Harder, Gavin!"

"You didn't think I would find out, did you?  You are nothing but a sleazy whore. You get caught every time, but you do it over and over."

I bit down on her neck.

"Ouch, fuck, that hurt!  You already know everything."

"Wrong answer."

I pulled out and shoved myself in her ass again.

"You're hurting me!"

"Tell me what else I should know." I pulled out and flipped her around.  "I want to see your face when I choke you."

I wrapped a hand around her neck.  "What do you want?  Do you want me to stop?"

She shook her head no. 

"Tell me who fathered Emma!" I demanded, and her face was priceless. So full of fear.

"You did!"  She screamed.

"Lying sack of shit!"  I spit at her..literally spit in her face, then slammed into her.

"Why are you doing this with sex?"

"Because it's all you ever really meant to me." I pulled her hair and leaned down.

"Who was the father?"

"Why does that matter?" She cried.

"Do you want me to flip you back over?"

She nodded.  "I love the pain."  She laughed.

"Who was it!  I already know it was someone in New York.  Answer me!"

If she says Luke, I'll kill them both.

"I don't know, okay?  I don't know.  All I know is that she wasn't yours."

"How do you know this, that she wasn't mine?"

I pulled her hair harder.

"Her blood type!"

"Who was her father?" 

"Jason!  It was Jason, but he wasn't worthy.  He didn't come from the right stock.  He was poor, and it was supposed to be a quick one night stand.  I never told him."

I pulled her face close to mine.  "I have resources, Claudia.  If I ever see you again, you're dead.  If you even step in Keegan's or Kori's direction, I'll use those resources.  Oh, and if you get any ideas about going to the police and filing yet another false police report, you'll disappear and that bastard child will grow up in foster homes.  How do you like the man you created?"

"I still love him."

"Look at that, I can't even get off with you.  You're useless, so get out now and remember my warning."

I ripped off the condom and threw it away before I pulled my pants up.

"I hope you wither away and die for that child's sake.  You destroy everything you touch."

Kori's Angel Heart (A Completed Steamy, Romantic Comedy)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant