It's My Life

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I was shocked when he opened his own door and told Regi to stay in his seat.  I smiled at him, then he did it again.  Placed his hand on my back, and I shivered.  I heard him chuckle. 

He won, I guess.

The hostess led us to our table, but this time it wasn't a man waiting for us.  "Gavin!  Darling, you look as sexy as ever."  The tall brunette kisses his cheek.  Slut

"Grabriella Wainscott this is my assistant, Miss. Korilee Heart."

I held out my hand.  "You can call me Kori."  She smiles and shakes my hand.  "Sweetheart, you are a knockout!  Wow, Gavin, you've got the cream of the crop."

"Thank you." I guess?

"She's a handful actually." He chuckled as he pulls out my seat.

I bite my tongue.  I promised civil and I'll do my part.

They talked business the entire time.  I took notes and was unable to eat as the woman nibbled on her salad.  I wish I could grab a fork and stuff it down her throat.  Who eats like that?  Birds, birds eat like that.

"Well, thanks for a great lunch.  Send the contract over, Gavin.  I believe we have a deal." We all stood up and she hugged me before kissing asshole on the cheek, whispering something before she walked away.  He looked at me. "Sit." He ordered.

I did as told and tried to finish my note,s but he took my pen.  "Eat, you didn't get a chance.  I don't want to pick your ass up off the floor later because you didn't eat." 

"My ass?  You really wonder why I have an attitude?"

He glared at me, then ordered a scotch.

"I'll take a white wine."

"Your working."  He glared at me again. 

 "Fine, I'll just take a refill of my water.  Thank you. Your working, too!"

"No, I'm sitting in a restaurant waiting for my assistant to finish her meal." 

"Excuse me."  I look up and see a man that looks familiar.

"I'm sorry for staring during your lunch, but aren't you Kori Heart?  You went to Notre Dame?" 

I stood.  "Yes, do I know you?" I shook his hand. 

 "Blake Hornsby, Kellen's friend."

"Oh, right.  Captain of the football team.  How is life treating you?"

"Am I interrupting a date?"  He asked.

"Oh no, this is my boss.  Gavin Harddic..Hardwick." The boss man whipped his neck around and gave me a funny look.

"Nice to meet you, sir."  Asshole barely paid attention, but shook his hand anyway.

"Well, I'd love to catch up.  Here's my card, maybe you'll call me for dinner sometime?" 

I took it.  "She's busy." Asshole answers for me, but I just rolled my eyes and looked at Blake.  "Sure, I'm free Thursday night, actually." 

"Sure, I am too.  Just text me your address.  Does 7:30 work?"

"Yes, that's perfect."

"I'll see you then, Kori.  I'm really looking forward to seeing you again."

"You too, Blake.  Take care."

"Bye now."

I sat back down.  "What is your problem?"

Kori's Angel Heart (A Completed Steamy, Romantic Comedy)Where stories live. Discover now