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It was getting late when we got back to the hotel. We curled up together and he ran his fingers over my skin like always.

He took a deep breath and leaned into my ear. "I'm in love with you Korilee Heart."

I smiled and turned toward him, ran my fingers through his hair, and looked at that handsome face. "I'm in love with you too, Gavin Hardwick."

He pulled me into a deep kiss and eventually rolled on top of me. "Move in with us." He pulls back and says.

"Gavin, my father would lose his shit." I shook my head. "I would if it didn't mean disappointing my family."

"Then you'll just have to marry me soon."

"What?" I laughed. "You don't mean that, Gavin."

He cupped my face. "I'm serious. I already asked your dad for permission and he granted it. If I ask soon, will you accept?"

Hell yeah!

"Well, you'll just have to wait till the time is right and ask." I laughed.

"God, I love you." He traced my face with his finger and pulled down my bottom lip before kissing me. Our mouths couldn't give us the closeness we needed. Our breaths labored as we fought our urge to become one.

"Gavin, please, I'm ready," I begged him, and he pulled away.

"Not until you're my wife. I want you so damn bad, but I want it to be perfect, not in some hotel near Brooklyn."

"You are by far the most frustrating man I know. I thought men needed sex all the time."

"We do, but for the right woman, the wait is worth it, Kori. You are worth it, and once you're my wife, I'll probably wear you out, but for now, I'm content. Our wedding night is going to be so amazing."

"I didn't agree, and you haven't proposed." I teased.

"I will, and you'll accept." He kissed the tip of my nose.


"I have some plans. That's all you need to know, but it will be very soon and I don't want to wait. I need you in my arms every night. I need so badly to make love to you."

He kissed me again and its physically painful not to have him.

"Wait? Did you ask Keegan? He may not want me as a stepmom."

He chucked. "That child is head over heels for you, Kori. He also told me his mom talks about it a lot. She says she hopes I don't screw this up, she really likes you."

"I like her, too."

He shook his head. "You are an amazing woman, Miss. Heart."

We woke up early Sunday morning and attended Mass with his family. His grandma thought we were at a funeral, but whatever gets her through, so we just followed along. Whoever Ernest Hirshman was, must have been a great man. According to Grandma, he was hung and was a great lover. I'm not sure I've ever seen Gavin so embarrassed.

Damn, even the old-timers could get laid back when it was a dirty secret. Back when women were simply presumed to be virgins. Yet, I fell asleep sexually frustrated with this elderly woman's grandson.

I'm getting so annoyed with his dream of popping my cherry on our wedding night!

We didn't get home until late, so we went straight to bed at his house after yet another frustrating night sleeping next to him.

I was finally able to go see Brenda. She was doing very good, but will have a long recovery. Kellen hasn't left her side, and I can see they too are falling in love. Stella and Brad are official, but the long-distance relationship is hard on her. I wouldn't be surprised if she moved to New York soon. Chloe and Graham are exclusive now too. Seems like my whole group of friends are all happy at the moment. Worried about Kellen and Brenda of course, but happy.

The week went fast, and, soon, the building Brad is working on will be ready. The COO in South Bend is still running things, and Gavin let me hold interviews here at his office for when Infinity gets up and running.

"Hey, I've got Keegan this weekend. What do you say we fly down to the beach?"

I laughed. "Florida? Just pack our bags last minute and take off?"

"Of course." He answers like it isn't a big deal.

"I'm sure Keegan would love it, so I'm on board."

We picked Keegan up as soon as he got out of school, and we took the jet this time. It was fun, but of course late when we got to our penthouse suite.

Gavin had gotten a lot of business calls, so once I got Keegan to bed and tucked him in, I went to bed and fell asleep quickly.

I woke before anyone else, so I went out on the balcony and watched the waves. Just thought about how happy I am to have these two guys in my life. I'd be lying if I hadn't thought about being Mrs. Gavin Hardwick.

After they woke, we ate breakfast, and Gavin said he made reservations for us on a private yacht. I was excited because I've never been on a yacht.

We spent the day on the beach with Keegan, and after we went up to get ready, both my men took my breath away. They were both in suits and their hair fixed the same. They stood there with smiles on their faces, and the joy of seeing them like that almost made me cry. They're picture perfect.

They blindfolded me when we got to the marina. Gavin carried Keegan and led me at the same time. I could smell the water and hear it splash against the boats.

Once we were inside and he took my blindfold off, I yelped as I hear. "Surprise! Happy birthday, Kori!"

I saw Stella with Brad, and Cloe with Graham. His whole family, excluding Candace, was here, along with Alex and his new girlfriend. Also, Melissa who was with a man I never met. I found out later his name is Nick and she is once again expecting.

My birthday isn't for a few days yet, but this is amazing. I cried because I'm so happy. Gavin just hugged me. I did notice my dad wasn't here, but that's probably because of mass tomorrow, and he was already gone too much when he went to Rome.

We celebrated and ate a very nice dinner and he even had music. We danced under the stars until Gavin tapped his champagne glass with a fork.

"Can I have everyone's attention, please?"

Everyone quieted down and Gavin got on one knee.

"Everybody may think I'm rushing things, but I'm not. This night has been planned since the day we were born, Kori. I love you so much, and Keegan is so happy you're in his life. Keegan and I would like you to be officially our family. Korilee Heart, will you please become my wife? And by that, I mean in two weeks at St. Theresa's?"

Two weeks????

"Yes." He slips the most beautiful ring on my finger, then stands. "You just made me the happiest man on earth." He said, then I heard Keegan. "Me, too!" Everyone laughed, and Gavin pulled me into the most tender and loving kiss he has given me yet.

He whispered. "Melissa is taking Keegan to her suite, so it's just us tonight."

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