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Gavin went on with his presentation as soon as we were seated. I found out the beautiful stranger's name is Bradford, Brad for short, Chamberlain.

"Excuse me, I'm sorry to interrupt, but Miss Heart, I have to say you are one of the most beautiful women I've ever laid my eyes on. You're obviously intelligent, so why are you sitting here taking notes instead of trying to land this deal yourself? I can't help but think you're being underutilized."

I blushed. "Thank you, but I just finished my masters and a project in Chicago. I'm afraid I don't have the experience yet, but Mr. Hardwick has been great giving me opportunities to do more than my job description entails. I'm learning from him on a daily basis, and he's been a great mentor."

Total lie, but I can't keep letting this man put Gavin down.

"That makes you a smart man, Mr. Hardwick."

They went back to doing business until our food came and they took a break.

The food was amazing!

"Tell me, what do you enjoy outside of work, Miss Heart?"

"Well, going a whole day without tripping is a start."

They laughed.

"I volunteer with my free time and I have friends I enjoy spending time with, but mostly I like to read."

"What do you read? Let me guess, Jane Austen?"

I shook my head no. "Actually, I just finished 'The Brothers Karamazov' and I'm about to start 'The House of Leaves', but I'm afraid the latter is on hold for the moment."

They both looked at me with blank stares. "I've never actually met anyone who finished either of those books," Brad said with a surprised voice. I just shrugged.

"Smart and a knockout. Mr. Hardwick is a lucky man."

I snorted, and looked at Gavin. "He has his hands full believe me. One minute he's trying to keep me upright, and the next, I've given him a migraine."

"You? No, I don't believe it." Brad said

"Well, on my first day, we both had injuries and I thought our receptionist was going to call security. Sometimes I have a bit of an attitude problem."

Gavin laughs. "A bit?"

"I'm not as bad as you!" I laughed.

"You called me a prick and slammed two doors in my face." He pointed out

"You accused me of being a lesbian."

"He did what?" Brad was laughing.

"Right in the middle of a five-star restaurant."

"You stuck your tongue out at me, too."

"Only because you're a spoiled brat." I said.

"I am not."

"Yes, you are." I retorted.

"You're so childish." He rolls his eyes.

"Did you see that? He just rolled his eyes at me." I looked at Brad, and he's actually laughing.

"This is a business dinner, Kori. Not a playground."

"That's Miss Heart to you." I corrected him.

I didn't say another word, and they finished their business meeting.

"Everything sounds good, Hardwick. I'll be in Chicago next week. I'll call Miss Heart to set up a meeting and we can get the contracts signed. Miss Heart, it was such a pleasure meeting you. Keep the tie and get more ice before you leave, I'll be in touch." He kissed my hand before he left and Gavin huffed in displeasure.

"We only got that deal because you flirted with him."

Asshole again...

"I've had more than enough of you for one day, I want to go home." I got up, but fell back down because of the pain.

Instead of trying it again, I grabbed my shoes, but before I realized what happened, Gavin pulled me up and started carrying me to the door. "Put me down! My notebook and purse are at the table anyway."

"I'll come back for them." He growls in annoyance.

"No! Put me down!"

"You can't walk, Kori."

"Miss Heart!" I reminded him.

As soon as we walked outside, the air hit me like a mack truck. The wind was blowing and it started pouring rain.

"Dammit!" Gavin yelled.

He opened the door and practically threw me inside before he ran back into the restaurant.

I waited for what felt like forever and he had the keys. It's freezing and I can't even turn on the heat. I'm soaking wet, my ankle and leg hurt, the migraine is now worse, and we have nearly a two-hour drive back. This is miserable.

He finally got in and handed me my stuff plus fresh ice, before he rubbed his hands together and started the car.

"I wasn't flirting with that man and I have no intention of going out with Quinn. You are angry at me and I have no clue why, but I don't think this is going to work out. You'll have my resignation letter by Monday."

I can feel tears building in my eyes. What happened today borders on abuse.

He sighed and laid his head back with his eyes closed.

"You're not resigning. You're right though it's not working, but it's not your fault." He opened his eyes and looked at me. "I wasn't pissed at you, I'm pissed at myself." He admits.

"For what? Things were fine, then the next thing I knew you were so pissed you couldn't even look at me." My voice cracked.

"I did something today that... well, I shouldn't have done." He looked at me like he did something bad to me.

"You didn't do anything wrong till Quinn came by."

"Have you ever done something you really didn't want to do, then you regret it?" He asked.

I pointed at my ankle. "You're preaching to the choir."

He shook his head. "You're not resigning. I'm going to fix this, but it won't be today. I promise I will somehow."

He put the car in reverse and soon we were on our way.

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