The Crew

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A few years later..

"Alright, I've got one!" Stella laughs before she can speak. "What did Cinderella do when she got to the ball?"

We all looked at each other, but none of us wanted to answer.

"She gagged!" Stella laughed so hard, she almost fell off the barstool.

"Alright, I think it's time to get you home, Cinderella." Kellen shook his head while trying to help Stella to her feet.

It's Saturday night, and we all decided to go for a drink to celebrate my new job.

"I'll get the door." I volunteered.

Kellen is a good friend to both Stella and myself, although they do enjoy some indulging in friends with benefits.  We slid Stella into the backseat, and I hugged Chloe and Graham goodnight before hopping in the front passenger seat.

"So, tell me about this new job." Kellen makes small talk.

"It's an executive assistant position. From what I gather, I'll be working a lot, but the pay is good, so it was hard to pass up."

Kellen laughs. "Gavin Hardwick? Are you serious? Kori, you should have said something, because I could have saved you from committing to working for such a man.  Plus, I've offered you a job with me, it would be a safer choice."

"I don't want a job just because I'm your friend, and what do you mean by Gavin Hardwick?"

"Hardwick is a top-notch asshole, and I swear he's been through 5 assistants in the last few months. He sleeps with them, then dumps them. Daddy's money has bailed him out more than once."

"You have no faith in me, do you? Do you really think I'd be that easy to seduce?"

He shakes his head no. "I don't, but what if he decides to get rid of you when you don't fall for his tactics?"

"Think about it, Kellen. They hired me so he wouldn't, I'm not exactly a runway model." I snorted.

"You would be if you wore clothes that fit and let people actually see that angelic face of yours. Oh, and at least try to stay upright on two feet at all times." He looked over at me and smiled.

"Susan!" Stella starts laughing, and I turn to see her. "What?"

"Susan was there tonight. Did you see her?" She kept laughing.

"I don't know Susan."

"She's the whore that screwed Graham." Tears pour out of her eyes as she laughs. "Guess what she puts behind her ears to attract men?" She pauses and tries not to laugh.

"No clue, Stella."

"Her fucking ankles. She's a slut!" She and Kellen start laughing.

"No! Kellen, you don't get to laugh!" She pointed at him with a serious look on her face.

"Why can't Kellen laugh?" I asked innocently.

"Because he knows it's true!" She doubles over laughing, and I look at Kellen and get a guilty smile.

"You and Graham? That's disgusting!"

He shakes his head. "Not a prideful moment in my life."

Once we got to our apartment, Kellen helped me get Stella to bed, and we sat in the living room.

"Why do you think Graham sleeping with someone I had a one night stand with first, by the way, is gross?" He asked.

Ugh, sex is my least favorite subject.

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