Restless (Sneak Peek)

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🥂 New!A romantic comedy about true-crime reporter, Nora Tate

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🥂 New!
A romantic comedy about true-crime reporter, Nora Tate.  She comes from a privileged family and has no desire for a long term relationship. She travels as she digs into the worst of crimes to share the victim's story on a cable news channel. 

She also has her own sleuth style crime channel on YouTube, where she and others try to crack cold cases.

Someone enters her life that quickly sends her on a whirlwind and changes her entire life. 

After a very awkward trip to the doctor, and her cousin's wedding to her past lover, she herself must escape her worst nightmare...true love.



"Hey, what does a nearsighted gynecologist and a puppy have in common?" Jessica asked with a huge smile on her face.

"I don't know, what?"

"A wet nose!" She starts laughing at her own joke, while I looked around to make sure nobody else overheard.

"You are so weird," I said, but she busted out laughing again.

We are in the waiting room to see my new doctor.  I need a refill on my prescription, and I guess I'm due for my yearly, "fun times with Dr. Evil." My old doctor retired, and the visit was scheduled with a new one today. God knows what to expect.

"Only you would get stuck seeing a young, and very hot, gyno!"  She laughed. 

"Shutup!" I elbowed her, she acts like a teenager.  We heard rumors from a friend that was in last week to see the man.

"Nora?" A young nurse opened the door and called out my name.

"If he's hot, give him my number,"  Jessica said as she gave me a smirk and a wink, just as I went to stand up. I rolled my eyes, and she scoffed.

"Grandma is more fun than you." She reached for a magazine while she shook her head at me, and I followed the nurse.

"How are you today?" The nurse asked.

"Fine, and yourself?" I asked as she led me to a scale. 

"It's a beautiful day outside, I'll be glad to go out and enjoy it later this afternoon." She said as I stepped on the scale.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, enough with the small talk. Just say what you're thinking, that my day sucks balls because I'm about to show my taco off to a complete stranger. 

She moved the little dial things, and then measured my weight.

"119 lbs." She muttered, writing it down on her notepad, then she measured my height. 

"You're just a tad underweight for your height." She pointed out. 

I ignored her as she led me to a room and shut the door.  "Are you having any issues, or just here to renew your prescription?" She asked as she took my vitals.

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