Date Night

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Stella invited Luke to hang out with us, and he changed into a swimsuit and came back down.  The man has his hands full with four drunk females.  I was hammered, not unlike my friends. 

Stella took photo after photo, and there's no doubt I'm plastered over every single one of her social media sights. 

How I sat on Luke's shoulders without falling is a miracle! We ran down to the beach, and I even got a photo of Stella doing a cartwheel and another of Chloe acting like she was going to make out with Brenda. 

We haven't changed out of our suits, and guess what? My scar stands proudly on my chest and I wear it like a badge.  It's all that's left as a physical reminder that I did once love my baby.  Stella has been trying to talk me into a tattoo, and I'm actually considering the idea.

I threw my phone at Brenda when Luke picked me up and carried me into the water.  We were both drunk and thank God we didn't drown. 

I tried to make my way to shore, and his arms snaked around my waist and he stood behind me.  "The first one to shore gets anything they want, ready?" We took our positions.

"Ready, set, go!" 

I swam as hard as I could, but I was no match for Luke.  I stumbled on to the beach, and we both laughed.  The girls stand around us laughing, but who knows what they're laughing about.

"Okay, so what do I owe you?"

He smiled the biggest million dollar smile I've ever seen.  "Dinner, tomorrow night, I'll pick you up at 7."

"Yes!  Kori!"  The girls all clapped, and yelled something. 

"Kiss him! Kiss him! Kiss him!"  Luke laughed and turned away as my friends chanted, but I'm drunk, so fuck it. 

I grabbed his arm and spun him around, but we both fell to the sand. I was on top of him and I threw back my head and laughed. 

"Get it, Kori, get it!" They all chanted, and I smiled down at Luke. 

"Get it Luke get it!" I said, and his hand brought my head closer to his and my lips brushed against his.  "I'm drunk and shouldn't take advantage of you," I said, and he laughed pretty hard, then his lips graced mine. 

Low and behold there they were... fireworks. 

The girls and the entire world disappeared.  It felt so good to be in a man's arms again.  All my problems and all my fears are wiped out. 

I lifted my head and looked at him.  "I'll see you at 7 tomorrow."  I winked, and hopped up from him and offered him my hand. 

If anyone thinks it's impossible to drink anymore and survive, they're wrong.  Luke went to his room because he had an early day, but we kept drinking.  Somehow, we ended up back at our suite with all of us still alive, but in the morning, we all felt like death. 

We all groaned as mine and Stella's phones went crazy.  "Stella!  What the hell did you do?" 

I asked, and she looked so confused.

There are pictures all over Facebook and Instagram of us partying, but the biggest news was the photo of me on top of Luke kissing him.  While she gets the 3rd degree from Brad, I read my texts.

First one from Melissa.  "Glad to see you're having fun!"

Then from Brad.  "I know you're upset, but be careful."

A group one from Kellen, to me and Chloe both.  "Get home, now!"

Yeah right, asshole.

Of course, there's one from Gavin.  "What are you doing?  This isn't you, and I'm so sorry.  Please come home.  I love and miss you." 

Fuck you...

One from Dad. "Put some clothes on!"

I laughed.  It's my life now, Daddy.

Then one from Craig.  "You're body is rocking!"

How did he get my number?

None of us moved barely at all the entire day, but I did make someone a promise. 

Chloe picked out my dress and did my hair.  It's not hard to mask the killer hangover I've had all day, but I felt fine now.  Just some red eyes, but some drops will make it all better. 

I loved the dress the minute we saw it when Chloe went shopping before our trip. She sent me a screenshot, so I was glad she brought it.   It was between this one and a white summer dress, but I love this one most and agree with Chloe. 

I was ready to go when Luke showed up

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I was ready to go when Luke showed up.  Damn, he is even more handsome than I remember. 

"Just have fun and throw caution to the wind.  You need this, Kori." Stella whispered in my ear.

I took Luke's arm and we were off.  I like this Luke, and I'm glad to get to know him better, but everything reminds me of Gavin.  Even the elevator ride, and how he would stand behind me with his arms around me. 

When Luke and I walked through the lobby, it reminded me of Paris.  Even walking down the street to the restaurant reminded me of Gavin.

Luke was the perfect gentleman.  I didn't slap him when he gave me the creeps while guiding me to our table, they were the good kind of creeps.  I didn't yell at him when he stared at me.   

These things I've learned are endearing, and not at all meant to be rude or pushy.

I've matured and I don't let the small things get to me anymore.  Luke is not the man I thought he was, and I completely understand his distaste for anything Gavin related.  My God, he went through hell because of Claudia, and if anyone could understand, it's Luke and Melissa.

Gavin has too big of a heart.  He feels responsible for Claudia, but the fact that he is willing to hurt others for her, makes a marriage with him impossible. 

I try to listen to Luke as he speaks.

"So, how is the career going?"  He asked.

I told him about work and how incredible Brad has been.  I'm so lucky to have struck a friendship with Brad. 

"Tell me about your family," I said.

"There's not much to tell really.  My mother died young from a drug overdose, then I was shipped all around between grandparents and my uncles.  Finally, Dad got married and settled down, so I lived with him through high school.  He is an electrician, and my stepmother is a school teacher.  I have a younger sister and brother.  They both live in Nebraska where we grew up."

"Wow, so how did you end up at NYU, then Notre Dame?"

"I was scouted for football and offered a scholarship.  That's where I met Tom and Jason.  They were from Chicago, so when we graduated, I moved with them got an apartment about an hour outside of town and got my masters at Notre Dame.  I moved to New York to work for Tom, and I've been with him ever since, then I followed him back to New York, and here I am.  It was rough always being around the rich guys and I admit some jealousy.  I always had to work so hard my whole life, and these guys spend money like nothing."

"I know how you feel.  Dad and I didn't have much and we worked with the poor.  It was hard to adjust to Gavin's lifestyle when I saw hunger so much while growing up.  I do know he donates a lot of money.  Not that I think he has to, but it does show he cares."

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