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I spent the entire morning going over the schedule, checking emails, and cleaning the office. I was just finishing the first cabinet, when it was getting close to noon. I stood on a chair to see the damn top drawer and was shoving the last file in, when I heard Mr. Personality clear his throat.

I turned and literally fell on my ass off the chair and felt like an idiot.

"That's not a stepping stool, Miss Heart. I'll ask Brenda to order you a stepping stool." The asshole didn't even offer me a hand and just stood there with his hands in his pockets.

"I'll meet you at Brenda's desk. Please compose yourself before stepping out of this office." He turns and walks away.

Dammit, always tripping or falling. He's such a dick the way he acted.

Once I put my shoes back on, straightened out my hair, and grabbed my leather-bound notepad, jacket, and purse, I made my way out front where carrot top was totally flirting with my future sexual harassment defendant. Oh, the asshole smiles. Who knew?

"We're late," He says as he hits the button.

"Oh, Gavin. I meant to tell you earlier, but thank you for the ride home last night." She glared at me, and I saw him nod just as the elevator door opens.

He lets me walk in first, but my damn heel caught the threshold and, of course, I feel a strong arm wrap around my waist to catch me.

Dammit, again!

"Seriously, can you walk without trying to kill yourself?" He is still holding my waist.

"Thank you and, no, it's a problem I have sometimes. You can let go of me now, though." He lets go and I grab the railing to hold myself upright.

"Maybe you should leave the heels at home and wear flats. Practice a little before you wear them again."

I snorted. "That won't make a difference."

He shakes his head and almost cracked a tiny smile.

"Well, at least we won't need to cross the street. You should be safe for now."

I snorted again. "Don't give me a challenge."

Did I just hear a small chuckle?

Once again, he places that hand on the small of my back and I shake him off.

"What's your problem? I'm just trying to be a gentleman," He snaps.

"You can do that without touching me," I snapped right back.

He stands up straight and again turned stone cold. We walked out, and there's a man standing next to a large black car with the back door open.

"Regi," he greets the man, and he nods back. "This is Miss Heart, my new assistant. She may call for your services at times."

I stick my hand out. "Call me Kori, and it's very nice to meet you, sir." He shook my hand and smiled. He has kind eyes with salt and pepper hair. Probably my dad's age. "It's a pleasure, Kori." I slide in, and Mr. Asshole slides in next to me, so I scoot further away.

"Hardwick." He answers his phone.

"Not tonight," He says. "Because why? I'm not in the mood, that's why." He sighs. "I'm not an asshole, I'm just not in the mood to entertain. I'll see you tomorrow night, Candace."

I checked his emails again from my phone and kept busy so he doesn't think I'm listening. He stared down at his phone, probably texting, and not a word was spoken between us. I know he's still stewing about me telling him he doesn't have to touch me.

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