Girls Trip

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I feel sick.  All I want to do is bust out if this courthouse and jump on that jet.  Stella and I moved as fast as we could to the doors, but we weren't fast enough. 

Gaven grabbed my arm and spun me around.  "Kori, please just talk to me." 

"That's Miss Heart, and there's nothing to talk about, now let go of my arm!" 

"I am so sorry about our baby and so sorry for hurting you.  We can fix this, Kori.  I love you and miss you so damn bad.  Please, please, let's just talk.  She will be out of my house at the end of the week.  I'm done, and have washed my hands of her." 

I glared at him.  "I'm not naive enough to believe that, or that you have been faithful.  She lives in our home, or what was our home for a very short time.  We have nothing to talk about, because I'm no longer your wife.  Run home to that lying bitch, because it's apparent you'll never be with anyone else.  Good luck with your life Mr. Hardwick, you're going to need it."

I spun around and pulled my arm from his grip.  It's over, and now it's time to put it behind me.

We landed in Greece and it was morning their time.  We did get some sleep on the jet, so we decided to unpack and have breakfast before going to the beach today.

We had mimosa's with breakfast and laid on the beach with more cocktails.  Yes, it's not noon yet, but it is at home.  It's like yesterday, or tomorrow, or something at home. 

"Chloe, stop, we all know you hooked up with Brian Foster."  Stella laughed.  Chloe is now engaged to Graham, so we are all teasing about her past indiscretions.

"Kori, over there supplied many wet dreams over the years.  Hell, she can walk in a room and give men blue balls." Chloe is getting a little drunk, and we are all laughing.

By the time we went to the bar at the pool, Brenda is completely caught up on our life stories.  Well, at least the other girls.  I've not really lived much of a life.

We started doing shots in the early afternoon.  I have no plan to spend this entire trip sober.

"Kori Hardwick?" I turned around and couldn't believe my eyes.


"What is it about seeing you on the other side of the world?" He laughed.

"It's Heart now, and yes, it is odd seeing you in Greece." 

Or anywhere else for that matter.

"Where are Tom and Jason?" I asked.  Luke stood in his business suit.  "Mind if I sit?" He asked.

"It's a free world," I answered.

"They're in New York.  I'm here locking down the purchase of some land for a new resort.  What brings you to Greece?"

"Girls trip." I said, but my friends laughed and "Hells yeah, cheers Ladies!" Stella yelled,, and we all tapped our shot glasses.

"Guys, this is Luke, Gavin's friend." Their heads twisted. 

 "Did he send you?"  Stella asked with disgust.

"Actually, Hardwick is no friend of mine, he's Tom's friend."  He answered. 

"Kori, can I speak to you alone for a minute?" He asked, and I stumbled to my feet. "Sure, why not?"

We found some chairs on the other side of the pool.  "Suck it, baby!  Show that blow job who's boss!"  I whipped my head around and saw Stella standing by Brenda as she took a shot without hands.

"They're embarrassing." I laughed, and so did Luke.

"I owe you an apology, Kori.  I was terrible toward you, and you're the last person that deserved it.  I saw you at Notre Dame and I really liked you, then you shot me down.  I'm not of the same background as your husband.  I grew up poor compared to them, and I was jealous of him and Tom.  Seeing you and learning you married him, pissed me off and I behaved terribly.  Will you accept my apology?" 

"Sure." I laughed

"Why is that funny?" He asked.

"Well, I'm drunk and not married to Gavin anymore."

"Wow, what...nevermind.  It's not my business.  I'm sorry to hear that, because you two seemed so happy." 

Stella kept sending over drinks, and my drunk self told Luke everything.  I cried about my baby and cried about his betrayal.  Cried that anyone could so easily think the worst of me because of Claudia, and how it happened twice.

"Dammit, that is one of the reasons I felt so uneasy about Gavin, that goddamn Claudia.  She is an evil witch and has a hold on Gavin.  After what she did to me, I'd like to see the bitch locked away."  He sat back and took one of my shots and threw it back.

"What did she do to you?"  I asked.

"When Gavin started dating this girl named Ann, Claudia put on this sad hurt innocent girl act.  I sat up with her in my room for hours listening to her cry.  See, I wasn't like the other guys.  I didn't have their rich loving families and endless resources. 

She left and I went to sleep.  I felt like I really helped her, but I was woken up by Gavin beating the shit out of me, and the cops came in shortly after and arrested me for rape. 

Like I said, I had no resources, but I did have a good friend in Tom.  He had a surveillance camera in the hall that showed Claudie hugging me before she walked away.  Her clothes were intact and were untouched.  She had left our house and tore her clothes and cried rape because I was some poor piece of scum. I was arrested before she even had a rape kit done.  The result of that test was that she had not been raped, and there was no proof of any sexual activity. 

Gavin believed her and broke up with Ann just before she changed her story and said I didn't rape her, but groped her.  Well, she was arrested for filing a false report and Gavin apologized, but I never trusted him again.  He acted like she had so many mental struggles, he owed it to her to stand by her side." 

"Oh my God!  She did that to you?" I asked, and he nodded. 

"Nothing like waking up to a fist to the face and handcuffs."

"She actually has a criminal record for pulling this shit and he still stands by her?  He is just as sick as she is." I said. 

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