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"Good morning, Brenda."

I smiled at my favorite redhead.

"Good morning, you goddess!" She laughed.

"Is he in yet?" She shook her head. "No."

"Good!" I decided to behave myself and printed his report while I made his coffee. I snuck into his office, hoping to miss him, but I wasn't so lucky.

"Two more minutes and you would have been late, Kori."

I corrected him. "Miss Heart, and I were early."

"Are you always going to be this much of a pain in my ass?" He took his jacket off and laid it on his couch.

"Hopefully." Was my answer.

"Do you think you can dial it down a notch Saturday night?"

"Why? For what, I mean?"

"Miss Heart, it's on my schedule. We have the Gehrhardt Charity auction. I'll pick you up at 8 pm."

"Don't you take a date to those things?"

"I take my assistant to all work-related events. It's in your contract."

"I'm sure your girlfriend would go."

"What? Nevermind, just wear formal and be ready by 8 pm."

I turned around to leave.

Arrogant prick.

"What did you just call me?"

Did I just say that out loud?

"Yes, you did, Miss Heart."


I walked into my office and shot him a message.

"There's a discrepancy in that report. Check out lines 4 to 17."

I checked his email and sent the important ones to him, trashed all the spam and useless stuff that made it through, then started working on the next filing cabinet.


I walk to my laptop and see a message.

"Come see me."

I sighed. I hope he behaves.

I walked in and found yet another man sitting in his office, and he's stting back in his chair with his arms folded across his chest.

"Miss Heart, have a seat."

I made my way over and sat straight in my chair. "Miss Heart, this is Henry our accountant. You did a great job finding that discrepancy this morning, so from now on, you can read through the reports and file them away."


I turned to the man he called Henry and shook his hand. "You can call me, Kori."

I saw asshole roll his eyes. I LOVE it!

"It's nice to meet you, Kori."

I stood to head back to my office. "Miss Heart, you've not been excused." I slid back into my seat.

"I'll see you later Henry, and please do get that error corrected."

"Yes, sir."

Harddick stands and leans against his desk right in front of me and crosses his arms. "Why do you work so damn hard to piss me off? Every time I turn around, you're fighting me on everything."

"I guess I'm not a very friendly person."

"This is untrue. You've managed to win over Brenda. That's never happened with another female. Everyone is on a first-name basis, but me, and we will be working closely as time goes on. So, what about a fresh start? Truce if you will."

I laughed. "This is another joke like the gym yesterday, right?"

"You have to admit it was pretty funny." He laughs.

"He almost attacked my crotch, not funny!"

He snorted when he laughed.

"Did you just snort?" I asked him.

"Sorry." he kept laughing.

"See, this is why we can't get along. You don't take me seriously. That man is a sexual harassment suit waiting to happen and he leads your legal department!"

"Craig is an old college buddy. I promise I'll get him out of your hair."

My jaw dropped and his eyes grew even bigger, then started busting out laughing because of Craig's rude comment the other day about my hair smelling good.

"See, there's no winning. If it's not you, it's Kellen. If it's not Kellen, it's Craig. I give up." I'm defeated.

I slouch in my chair and cross my legs.

"It's only because you're fun to mess with, but at the same time, you're lethal."

"No more Craig jokes or lesbian accusations?"

"I didn't accuse you, I asked." He corrected me.

"What if I was?"

He gave me a blank stare. "Then Craig would work overtime on you. Anyways, we have another lunch meeting. Could we please keep it civil? It's with a client I really want to land."

"Okay, fine" I stand up to walk away.

"I'll swing by for you in about a half-hour."

I waved as I walked out of his office.


"I heard that!"


Exactly 30 minutes later, he's at my door. "Ready?"


I grabbed my things and, again, he tried to lead me by the small of my back and I jump away.

"Why do you always do that?" He asked.

"Because I told you, it's creepy."

Brenda's eyes stare us down and I flash her a smile.

"How is that creepy? It's normal for a man to do that, it's called chivalry."

The elevator doors open and he acts like he's on guard as I walk in. "Let me fall next time too, I'm used to it."

Brenda shakes her head in total confusion.

"You need to get used to it, because it makes me look bad if I don't show some courtesy."

"I don't like it."

"It's not sexual."

He did not just say that word! Now, I blush.

"You don't like that word, do you? Sex or sexual?"


"Miss Heart, are you..."


He shook his head and looked at his feet.

The elevator opened and he didn't touch me, thank god!

I made it all the way to the car and didn't fall. Win!

"Hi, Regi!"

"Good afternoon Kori. How was your father last night?"

"Great! Thanks for asking. He's leaving for Rome on Friday, so he's totally stoked!"

"I'll say a prayer for safe travels."

I slid in. "Thanks, Regi."

Asshole slid in next to me. Well, I should be nicer, he does seem to be trying.

"Does Regi know your dad?"

I shook my head. " No, I saw him on my way out and apologized for my behavior yesterday. He walked me to my car and we talked."

"Is there anyone you won't make friends with?"

"Yeah, Craig," I answered, and he laughed at me.

Kori's Angel Heart (A Completed Steamy, Romantic Comedy)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant