Take a Breath

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We spend the morning saying goodbye in the sexual sense, but his flight doesn't leave till this afternoon, so he agreed to meet me and the girls at the pool.

I walked in the door, of course in my bikini, and Stella gasps. 

"What the hell did he do to you?"


"Your legs and arms." She pointed and I've got bruises on my thigh and my arms, and I started laughing. 

"I didn't even feel that."  I smiled.  "I don't think he's in any better shape.  I can't explain it, Stella.  It's so intense with him, not like the spending time with him, but the sex.  It's like I'm the one getting rough with him."

"Oh my God, my little Kori is a sexual deviant." She started laughing.  "A year ago, you were a virgin."

"Stella, we're going to try the long-distance thing."

She started jumping up and down.  "Oh my God, we will do double dates and fly together.  Brad will love it, because you know he would do anything for you.  We are going to have the best lives ever!" She screeched, and Brenda came running.

"What the hell is going on?" She freaked out, then looked at me.

"Oh my God! What did that bastard do to you?  I'll fucking kill him!"

Chloe came running and gasped.

"Nothing, our little Kori woke the sleeping beast, those are love marks,"  Stella said.

"I don't even know it's happening, and I'm doing it to him, too.  I left a bite mark on his shoulder, but was too embarrassed to point it out."  I stood, almost feeling ashamed, but not really.

"You're such a bitch.  I want bite marks and crazy sex, too." Brenda pointed out.

"It's not dominatrices, Brenda.  It's just intense orgasms."  I replied.

"I want intense orgasms, too." She pouted. 

"Don't we all."  Chloe interrupted.

"Kori has an announcement girls." She smiled ear to ear. 

"Luke and I are official.  We are giving the long-distance thing a try."

They all started squealing like a bunch of horny hyenas, and I was almost ashamed for them.

I took a shower and changed into a clean swimsuit.  This one probably should be burned.  It's pretty gross.

We made it down earlier than Luke, so we laid out and ordered bloody Mary's.

When he walked out, I almost gasped.

"Holy shit he's hot!"  Brenda drooled.

"Hey, he's taken."  I reminded her.

"I want intense orgasms, too." She pouted, and I laughed.

Luke walked up to us wearing his button-up shirt open, sunglasses, and trunks, while holding a towel.  He leaned down and kissed me, then gasped.

"Did I fucking do that?" He pointed at my thighs.  He was obviously pissed at himself.

"We did that, and it was mindblowing."  I pulled him down by his shirt and kissed him again.

"That's not right, Kori."  He shook his head, then bent over and kissed my bruises, and I know I blushed.  I mean they are on my inner thighs.

He pecked my lips.  "I'm going to take a dip real quick."

"If he comes, can I order you a drink?" I asked.

"Sure, just a sweet tea with lemon would be good." He walked away and pulled off his shirt and the girls gasped.

"Jesus Christ, Kori!  Does he know those are there?"

He dove into the pool.  "Oh, my god," I said.

He had deep scratch marks down his whole back, not to mention the bite marks on his shoulders.

"What the fuck is wrong with me?" I asked.

The girls just sat there in shock. 

When he got out, I told him about his back.  "I thought something hurt when I was washing my back this morning.

Great, now I'm picturing him in the shower.

"I'm so sorry, we've got to figure out how not to do that anymore," I replied.

"Yeah, I hate that I left marks on your body." He leaned down and kissed me before laying down on the lounger next to me.

"Maybe you two should try taking a breath every now and again when it gets intense." Stella said, and we looked at her like, 'no shit?'.

He reached over and held my hand.  "When do you fly home?" 

"We leave in three days." 

He nodded.  "So, it will be at least a week and a half?"

"I guess."  Damn, that sucks.

We all talked, and the girls asked him a million questions. It seemed like they were giving him a job interview.

"Well, I guess I should go get ready for the airport."  He squeezed my hand.

"I'll go with you." I grabbed my stuff and we started walking away.

"Remember to play nice and calm down a little!" Stella yelled out, and I stuck my tongue out at her, but we did take her advice for about 30 seconds.

I was straddling him as he sat on the side of the bed.  Our bodies were sweaty, and we were exhausted when I collapsed in his arms.

He kissed my head.  "I'm going to miss you, Korilee."

"Me too," I responded.  Dammit, I hate this.

We took a shower, and he bent me over for one last amazing 15 minutes.

He dressed, and I threw on my bikini.  We kissed goodbye in the elevator, and then again in the lobby.

"You can look, but no touch, okay?" He smiled and kissed me. 

"Of course, and the same for you," I responded.  I finally let him go and sadness took over me. I hate this so bad.

I went back out with the girls, and we once again assaulted the bar, and probably sexually harassed a few men.  Hey, if it's okay for a Democrat politicians, it's okay for us.  It's a good thing none of us plan to run for office.

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