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He wanted to stay in bed all day, but after another two rounds, I finally got him to get dressed so we can go out to dinner. He also promised we could go out sightseeing tomorrow.

I wore a black dress that was conservative and Gavin approved, heels, stockings, and a black coat. I also wore my hair down, because it's really too cold for my blood tonight.

When we got into the elevator, he held me against him. His arms wrapped around me from behind and not a word was spoken. I believe we said all we needed when we were screaming I love you's in bed most of the day.

At least we aren't screaming like we did the first few days we met. I like this much better.

The elevator opened and he took my hand while we walked across the lobby.

"Gavin Hardwick?" We turned around and saw three men in business suits walk toward us.

"Holy shit, man," All three gave him a shoulder hug and handshake, while I was completely lost. "Damn, we haven't seen you since forever. What brings you to Paris?"

"Actually, we are on our honeymoon. This is my wife, Kori Hardwick." He smiles at me. "Kori, this is Jason, Tom, and Luke, they're old college friends."

"It's great to meet you, but damn you're gorgeous. How the hell did this stuffy guy land such a gorgeous woman?" The man named Jason took my hand and kissed it.

"Hey now, hands-off." Gavin laughed.

"Some friend you are, we didn't get an invite." Tom reached over to shake my hand.

Luke just stood there and looked me up and down. He seems to have a stick up his ass just like my husband did when we met.

Finally, he spoke up. "You look familiar." That's all he said. "Oh shit, you got your masters at Notre Dame didn't you?"

I nodded...why does he look familiar?

"I went back to get mine and I asked you out when you were in one of my classes. You shot me down, and to tell you the truth, you were kind of a bitch."

I was shocked.

"You probably deserved it, asshole. Kori was never one for casual flings, and I'm sure that's the impression you made. She's feisty, but far from a bitch." Gavin handled it well.

"Yeah, guess I wasn't good enough." They all laughed, but I looked harder at him and a memory popped up. I remember him now and he's a dick. I mean a serious dick. He wouldn't take no for an answer.

"I remember you now. You used to come to the library a lot. What brings you all to Paris?" I asked.

"Business, Tom just bought this hotel," Jason said.

Gavin leaned in and explained that Jason is the CEO of Valentine Properties and had resorts all over the world.

Great, more rich snobs.

"Maybe I'll see you guys around. I promised my bride a nice dinner." He put his arm around me and rested his hand on my waist.

"Congratulations to both of you, and especially you Gavin for marrying above your status." They all laughed, and Tom gave Gavin a punch on the arm.

"Hey, tomorrow night I'll find your room and send an invite. We're having a formal party to introduce Valentine to Paris, you have to come!" Tom said as they all walked away, and asshole Luke blew me a kiss.

We walked toward the car. "I'm proud of you. I love that you'll put an asshole in his place, just like you did me when we met." Gavin said.

We had a wonderful dinner, and I completely forgot about his three friends until we went to leave. "We should go to the party tomorrow," I said.

He didn't look too enthusiastic. "You think? It's formal, but we could go shopping I guess, if that's what you want."

He's got a black suit and tie, so he probably means me. "We don't have to spend the money, we've already spent enough."

"This is your life now and money is no object. I made enough money while we slept last night to pay for the entire trip, and then some."

This is one subject we hadn't spoken about yet.

"You realize we haven't spoken about finances yet. We are living in your home, eating the food you bought, and I would like to contribute." I said.

We were riding back to the hotel and he put his hand on my leg. "There isn't anything to discuss. You're my wife, and it's my job to spoil you."

I shook my head. "That's not true, Gavin. Every penny you spend on me, is a penny Keegan won't have in his future. I don't want to be dependant on you."

"If my company folded today, I would have enough money to sustain us and Keegan for our whole lives. You're not dependant on me because I've seen for myself you are capable of taking care of yourself and others. I know you donate a good portion of your salary to help the church and I can add to that, but we are family, and what's mine is yours. That isn't my house or my food, and I've never seen it that way. That is a family home and that's how I was raised. With that, comes certain that you will need dresses that cost thousands of dollars. Its what's expected of us, and I won't have you spending your hard-earned money on things that benefit my career.

To be honest, Kori, if you wanted to quit work to raise our children I'll support you 100 percent and I would prefer that, but I want you to be happy. If that means we hire more staff to help raise them, it's fine, but I won't have you feeling like you don't deserve what I give you. Hell, I would give you and Keegan the world if I could."


"I love you, Gavin."

"Oh, yeah?" He ran his hand down my leg and I shivered. "Creeps?" He asked.

I shook my head. "Electric." I climbed on him and kissed his lips.

He pulls back and looks at me with a smile.


"You're finally straddling me in the car and not wanting to kill me." I threw my head back and laughed.

"Maybe I didn't want to kill you. Maybe I wanted you to kiss me already."

Kori's Angel Heart (A Completed Steamy, Romantic Comedy)Where stories live. Discover now