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The car stopped in front of the office and Gavin just looked at me. "Can I open the door, or do you prefer to crawl over me?"

"Just go," I waved him on, and he again held out his hand for me. No broken noses so far as we entered the building.

The elevator ride was quiet, but he was probably trying to put his mean CEO face on before we got to our floor.

He held the door open as I stepped off, again, catching my heel in the damn contraption. Strong arms once again wrap around my waist.

"Dammit, Kori. You're going to give me a heart attack one of these days."

"Miss Heart." I corrected him.

He groaned again.

"Thanks for catching me."

Brenda watches with a funny smirk on her face and just shakes her head at us.

"Umm..Mr. Hardwick, you can let go now."

"Oh..." he let go and I stood on my own.

"Don't forget to print that report." He stormed off to his office and shut his door.

"You are driving that man insane, Kori." Brenda was grinning ear to ear.

"I don't mean to, he just...well, he doesn't like me much."

"You are so naive." She shook her head at me, but didn't lose her smile.

"Go on and do whatever it is you do to the guy. It's actually pretty entertaining."

I walked past her and went to my office and got comfortable before I logged on to my computer. I printed the report, checked it over, then filed it away. I checked emails, then I got a ding on my messenger app.

"Book party of two at Aliena for 8 PM, please."

"Absolutely." I typed back.

I wonder who the lucky girl is tonight. The busty brunette or a new one?

I went on and did my work, when Patrick stopped in and sat in front of my desk.

"Your boss is driving me insane." He said.

"Well, he's your brother. What can I do for you, Patrick?"

"Well, I heard your car broke down, so I thought I'd offer a lift. We can have dinner and plot against Gavin."

"Sure, why not."

He smiled ear to ear. "Yes! Finally!"

"It's just dinner between colleagues." I gave him a good stare.

"Its a start, unless my brother..." I cut him off.

"Your brother has a date tonight."

"Cool. Okay, I'll make reservations." He darted out of my office and toward Gavins.

About 20 minutes later, boss man decided to make an appearance.

"I was going to give you a lift home." He crossed his arms and leaned in the doorway.

"You've got a date, I don't want to be an inconvenience."

My phone buzzed. "Kori, there's a delivery here for you."

"What kind of delivery?"

"I'll run them back," Brenda spoke up.

Brenda moves in with a huge bouquet of red Rose's and sets them on my desk. "There's a card." She points and smiles ear to ear.

"Get back to work, Brenda. She can read it without your help."

"Yes, sir."

Brenda pops out and heads back out front.

"Kellen?"  He asked.

I opened the card.

Dinner Thursday at 8 pm?

Call me.


"No, actually." I handed him the card.

I set the flowers on my filing cabinet.

"Well, you can't go out with him."

"Do I need your permission?" I asked.

"He is a board member and that could cause problems."

"So? Candace is on the board?"

"What does that matter?"

"Aren't you seeing her?"

"She's my step-sister, Kori."

"Miss Heart." I remind him again. "Who am I allowed to date? God knows a list of who I can't won't narrow it down. It's my personal life remember? I thought we put a boundary there Mr. Hardwick."

"Screw it! Do what you want!" He slammed my door, and I could still hear him when he slammed his.

I opened my messenger app and cracked my knuckles.

"You aren't allowed to get mad, it's my life, and if you would have waited a moment before you demanded I let him down, I would have told you I wasn't interested. It's you that's severing our communication."

"You made the right choice."  Was his response.

"I already have plans Thursday night, anyway."

"What now?"  He asked.

"What do you mean? That's my business."

"Fine.. whatever!"


"What did you do now?" Brenda plops down on a chair.

"Oh, he's pissed because a board member sent those flowers and asked me out."

"...and how's that you're a fault?"

"No clue. He didn't even give me a chance to decide for myself. He just snapped and said I wasn't going. It's my life, not his. Not that I was going to go anyways."

"Who was it?"


"No way! He's a fucking god!"

"Brenda, don't you have work to do instead of gossiping with Miss Heart?"

"Yes, sir." She got up and went back to her station.

"What now?" I sat back and glared at him.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions."

"I'm sorry I yelled at you. Are we good now?"  I asked.

"I was just wondering what you're doing Thursday night?"

"Are you serious? Didn't we talk about this?"

He shook his head. "No, I don't mean it like that, I was wondering if it's pressing? I just got a call from an investor and he wants to meet over dinner on Thursday."

"Oh, okay. I was just going shopping with Chloe, I can reschedule."

"Would you mind? I'm sorry, I just really need you there with me. This guy is going to be tough, but I think he will tone it down a notch in your presence."

"Sure, it's not a problem."

"Alright, can you make reservations at Café Navarre. We will have to leave early because it's in South Bend. Can you make reservations for three at 8 pm? We will have to leave between 5 and 5:30."

"Sure, no problem."

"Oh, and I really am sorry. You're right, you do deserve your privacy."

"Thanks, Mr. Hardwick."

Kori's Angel Heart (A Completed Steamy, Romantic Comedy)Where stories live. Discover now