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"There's cosmetic damage but.. umm, we should be able to make it back home." He was buttoning his shirt.

"Give me the receipt for the tow." He puts his hand out, so I gave it to him.

"Sit and let me look at your ankle."

"It's fine, really."

"Sit, dammit. I won't say it again before I put you on the couch myself."

He unwrapped it, and the feeling of him touching my leg gave me the creeps again, and I shivered.  He didn't seem to notice, but he noticed my goosebumps.

He smiled up at me. "Did I just give you the creeps?" He asked, and I nodded.

He grabbed our stuff and told me to sit still while he loaded the car.

I did as ordered, and when he came back in, he extinguished the fire with a water bottle that must have been in the car, then walked over and picked me up.

"I can walk, Gavin."

"You mean you can hop. Plus, it's my fault, so I plan to deliver you home in one piece, or what's left of you."

We stopped for breakfast and I barely came up for air when we ate, and Gavin was unusually quiet. He helped me inside and didn't carry me, thank goodness.

"I'm taking the hottest shower when I get home, that blanket smelled."  I said.

He just nodded.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine, just tired and dirty."  He answered.

He helped me hobble back to the car, and the ride home was almost silent until our phones started ringing. I returned some texts for Gavin while he drove, then sent a text to Stella and Brenda. I checked his emails, then he had me read the important ones and respond, and, finally, we got home.

Against every protest, he carried me upstairs. "Are you going to be okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just a sprain."

He pulled on his shirt collar and ran his hand over his face. "What are you going to do about Quinn?"

"I already shot him a text and said I'm not going out with him, that was yesterday."

He nodded. "Good, I mean, I'm glad you won't face any awkwardness." He fidgeted for a second.

"What's on your mind? You seem so preoccupied." I asked.

"Just trying to figure out what to do to make things easier." He said.

"Well, sometimes the answer is right in front of you." I stood in front of him and waited for a reply. Nothing.

"Let me know what I can do to help," I added.

"Right, well, I'll go now so you can get your shower, and remember to put that foot up. I'll see you on Monday."

"Okay." He went to walk away. "Gavin" I called out to him.

He turned around and looked at me.

"Sometimes things don't have to be as complicated as you think. People say and do things they don't mean when they're angry, and sometimes they're not angry at all, but confused. If you overthink things, you miss your opportunity to act on instinct. Think about it, and I will see you on Monday."

He stood with his hands in his pocket and just looked at me. "I'll....see you Monday, Miss. Heart." He walked out the door and was gone.

The apartment was quiet since Stella was at work, so I took a few Tylenol and soaked in the tub before my shower. The plan was to start reading my book, so I propped my leg up and layed on the couch, but it didn't take long and I was sleeping.

I slept until I heard Stella come home.

"What the hell happened last night?" She flopped down in the chair.

"Get that bottle of wine, and I'll tell you all about it."

A bottle of wine later, I finished my story. I told her about Quinn, Claudia, Melissa, Gavin's strange behavior, my injury, and, of course, Brad.

"He's probably scared to say much because of the way you reacted to Kellen's kiss."

I agreed, and we ordered pizza and continued to talk about Gavin. She thinks I should make a move, but she knows me and is perfectly aware it won't happen. We curled up on the couch and watched Dirty Dancing for the fiftieth time, then called it a night.

With my earlier nap, well, actually, I slept all day, so I found it hard to fall asleep. Thinking about Gavin makes it hard to find any peace.

My phone dinged and I saw a text from him, I couldn't help smiling.

"How's the ankle?"

How can such a simple question make me so happy?

"Fine, I stayed off it all day and it's feeling a lot better."

"That's good to hear, are you out tonight?" He asked.

"No, laying in bed and was about to read." I lied.

"That book you were holding off reading?"

"Yes, but I don't think I'm feeling it tonight. How's Keegan?"

"Energetic and full of questions. We had dinner with the family, so he was preoccupied with Patrick."

"He looks like you," I added.

"He's spoiled."

I laughed. "I wonder why, I'm sure it's not easy saying no to that little guy."

"It's not easy. He's climbing on me now."

"I guess he wants your full attention. Tell him I said hi, and I'll see you on Monday."

"Goodnight, Kori"

"You too, and thanks for checking on me."


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