Lady in the Red Dress

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Chloe and I decided to pass the time by drinking some wine while we waited for my boss.

I told her stories about my week, and I've never heard her laugh so hard.  Stella did the same thing when I spoke to her the other day.

The doorbell chimed, so I hopped off my barstool and went to the door.  "You can have the rest of that bottle if you like it, Chloe."  I was paying no attention when I opened up the door.  "It was a little bitter for my taste."

"Whoa!" I looked up, and there stood Graham next to my boss.

I hugged Graham first. "Hi Graham, Chloe's inside." I looked at asshat, and he had a grin on his face.  Graham just stared at me and I grabbed my clutch. 

"You two stay out of trouble tonight.  I won't be around to bail you out."  I reminded them.

"Hello, Mr. Hardwick, are you ready?" 

He gave me a once over and pulled at his tie. "Ah, yeah."

"Let me introduce you real fast." He nodded.  "Chloe, this is Gavin Hardwick, and Gavin, this is Chloe Jackson, I guess you met my friend Graham Cartwell." 

He shook both their hands.  "It's nice to meet you both."  After a friendly goodbye and a hug from Chloe, that consisted of a whisper in my ear about Gavin being hot as hell, we were on our way downstairs.  Only we were met by none other than, Kellen.

"Kori, my god."  He reached over and pulled me into a hug.  He whispered into my ear.  "Call me if he gives you any trouble." 


"I'll be here when you get back."  He looked at Gavin.  "I don't envy you tonight, you're going to have your hands full just keeping the creeps hands off of her."

"That seems to be a full-time job as it is," Gavin said, and they both chuckled.

My boss did that damn thing I hate, but this time when I shivered, he only smiled down at me.  "You look amazing.  Completely surpassed what I thought you'd look like tonight."

"Thanks, a tux suits you too."

I saw a different man standing outside a Limo.  "Jefferson, this is Kori Heart.  She may call you at times for a ride.  Miss Heart, this is Jefferson my butler and weekend driver." 

I shook his hand.  "It's nice to meet you.  Please, call me Kori."

"Nice to make your aquantence, Kori."

It didn't go without me noticing, this driver is closer to my age and looks like he's fresh out of the Marines.  Very good looking man.

My escort for the evening slid in next to me and smiled.  "Stay by my side all night, and when you meet Alex and Theo, they're harmless.  A few of my personal friends and sometimes they can act like fools, but they are good men."

"Okay, I'll be prepared."  I gave him a quick smile.

"How was your date?  Was he a gentleman or did you send him packing?"

"You were there, I believe you saw, but for what it's worth, he was a complete gentleman."

He nodded.

"Good, I'm glad he treated you with respect."

He pulled on his tie and looked out the window.

"Your tie is crooked now."  I reached over and adjusted it.  Damn, what does he wear? He smells divine.

"Thank you." He said as I sat back down in my seat.

He stared out the window, then turned his head. "Would you like some champagne?"  He asked.

"Sure, thanks"

He popped the cork and poured a glass, then handed it to me before pouring himself one. 

The ride was quiet and stressful for some reason.  When the car stopped, Jefferson, of course, opened the door and Gavin stepped out, only to take my hand and help me out of the car.  I gasped when he once again touched my bare back. 

The asshole chuckled.  Why does creeping me out make him so damn happy?

We walked through the photographers and finally made our way inside. The place smelled like rose's and the marble floors worried me about sliding in these shoes.  There's a grand staircase in front of us and what seems to be a ballroom to my left.

Candles and flowers really set a classy mood and all the men and women dressed in their finest, made it look like I just walked into something from television. 

He led me to the bar, when he ordered a scotch and he handed me a glass of champagne with strawberries.

He introduced me to several people before his friends appeared.

"Dayum!  Where did you find this one?"  A blonde man stood before me and looked me up and down. 

 "Kori Heart, this is Theo Mattox and Alex Canfield.  Alex, Theo, this is my Executive Assistant, Miss Kori Heart."

I shook their hands.  "It's nice to meet you both, feel free to call me Kori." 

"Where did you find her?  I want one."  Alex throws in.

They seemed nice enough, but then it happened.


"Oh, shit," Alex says under his breath.

"Hello, Melissa."

"I thought I'd see you tonight.  How's your father and Stephanie?"

I whispered to Alex. "Who is she?"

He leaned in and whispered.  "His ex-wife and mother of his son."



"Yeah, it was a disaster." He whispered.

"I had no idea he had a son." 

"Let's give them some space, wanna attack the finger foods?"


"So, you've survived your first week, but I heard you gave Gavin a pretty good fight."

"He talked about me?"

Alex chuckled. "Something about a broken nose and a migraine."

Haha, I laughed. "Its been a tough week, but I'll have him straightened out soon enough."

"You've got your work cut out for you.  He's been a pain in the ass since Melissa stormed into our lives.  She's a real buzz kill if you know what I mean."

"Well, I made him agree that our personal lives are off limits, so I won't have any interaction with the woman."

"Oh, she will wiggle her way in one way or another.  Especially, if she knows you're his assistant.  She won't be happy." He shakes his head.

"Why? I've never done anything to the woman."

"You exist, and she still has her claws into Gavin.  She's average, and you're...well gorgeous.  She will be out for blood." He said.

"Well, I'll stay out of her way, and once she realizes how much he hates me, she'll back off."

Alex laughs.  "You think he hates you?"

"Well yeah, just the sight of me gives him a headache."

He chuckles.  "A headache isn't what he gets around you." He laughs.  "You give him different kind of a headache completely."

What does that mean?

"But in all seriousness, she has run every assistant out he's hired.  She's the source for the rumors about his assistants."

"You mean he doesn't harass them?" 

"I wouldn't put it past him, but no, he's actually professional at work." 

Kori's Angel Heart (A Completed Steamy, Romantic Comedy)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat