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I woke before Gavin, so I slipped on my shirt and quietly went to my room for a shower and to get changed. We didn't need Gavin burning the house down, so I just threw on some shorts and a tee then got busy.

A saw a radio and flipped it on, then started cooking and making him some coffee. I can never understand how something so simple as making breakfast is hard for some people. Sister Mary Margeret always said, if a person can read, they can cook, simple as that, and after doing it so many times, you won't need the recipe.

I really hope he likes my garden frittata, and I presume he likes bacon and sausage since it's in the fridge. I had to giggle to myself when I heard him try to sneak up behind me. "Did you sleep well?" I asked when he almost made it to me. He put his arms around me anyways. "I would say yes, but you kept visiting my dreams." He kissed my neck.

"Same." I continued to flip the bacon.

"Whatever you're cooking, it smells amazing, and thanks by the way. I'm afraid I might burn the house down."

"It's Italian, so I hope you like it." I glance at him as he hopped up on the counter.

"If it tastes as good as it smells, I'm sure it's amazing."

I poured him some coffee and handed it to him, then he watched as I cooked. "You know what did it for me last night?" I asked him, to gave me a funny look.

"I told you I want this between us, but when you said Keegan comes first, it was what made my decision. You're an amazing father, Gavin. That's a part of you I really adore."

He jumped off the counter and wrapped his arms around me and kissed me. His hand cradled the back of my head and he dipped me. My God, this kiss...

"What you just said confirmed what I knew about you, Kori. You are so beautiful." He kissed me again.

He pulled back and gave me a kiss on my forehead as he hugged me. He's shirtless and just in a pair of jeans. It's confirmed...he is trying to kill me.

I think he really liked the breakfast. At least that's what he said, and he ate plenty. As soon as we were done cleaning the kitchen, he lifted me up and started carrying me again. "Where are we going?"


"I don't have a suit!" I tried to wiggle away, but he just ignored me.

He set me down by the pool and took off his pants. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"Going swimming." he stood there in his boxer briefs looking like a God. He grabbed the hem of my shirt and pulled it over my head so I stood in my bra, and he grinned as he unbuttoned and unzipped my shorts and pushed them over my hips.

"You better never say I'm a tease." I joked.

He just smiled and lowered his head kissing me, while his arms wrapped around me and pulled me in tight.

It wasn't two seconds later when he picked me up and jumped into the pool. I came up laughing, but he was swimming around me, no doubt looking at my ass. He comes up out of the water smiling, and he brushes his wet hair off his face. "Damn, you've got a nice ass."

I laughed, and put my arms around his neck. "I can say the same about you."

I pecked his lips. "I don't want to wait until I'm married, Gavin."

He smiled. "I don't want you to either. Let's make a deal to wait until after you've spent some time with Keegan. I just don't want to get my hopes up, then find out he's too much for you."

I smiled as I kissed him. "Are you sure?" I asked.

"God, no." He kissed me back, and I wrapped my legs around him.

I jumped when I heard a voice. "So, this is what the father of my child does when I'm not around?"

I had expected to see Melissa, but it was Claudia. Gavin let go and pushed my nearly naked body behind him.

Father of her child?

"What in the hell, Claudia? Get out!"

"I knew when I saw that slutty little thing on Tuesday she'd somehow work her way into your bed."

"You need to get out now, and I'm changing the pin code!" He pointed and yelled at her, while I just stood there mortified.

She laughed. "You probably have her dreaming of a lifestyle she never had, right? Honey, you're falling for the oldest trick in the book. He will sleep with you now, and you'll never see him again. I'm his only constant." She stepped toward the pool.

"That's funny, because I thought Keegan was his only constant. You know the boy you can't stand to be around?"

I moved away from Gavin and he reached for me. "Don't touch me!" I warned him.

So Claudia is pregnant and he failed to mention it?

I made my way to the steps and walked out of the pool. I saw a few towels on a table and grabbed one. "Kori, you know first hand how she lies." He chased after me.

"I think you have some things to clean up before we take this any further." I cringed when she laughed.

"Oh honey, there's nothing to clean up here. Just making plans that certainly don't include you."

I grabbed my clothes and got out of there as fast as possible. I don't have my car, so I called Stella as soon as I got to my room and locked it.

Quickly, I threw my stuff in my bag and Gavin was at the door. "Come on and open the door, Kori."

"Is she still here?" I asked.

He sighed. "I'll get rid of her as soon as I know you'll stay."

"Then she will be here all night. Stella is on her way."

I threw on the clothes I wore earlier, not even caring that I'm wet and it's cold outside. Thankfully, Stella was close, so she texts back and let me know she was pulling in the driveway.

Upon opening the door, Gavin stood there and I can see the concern. "It's a damn good thing you made the choice for me. You have to get some things figured out."

"Dammit, Kori! She's not pregnant with my kid, just listen to me." He pulled on my arm.

"So, she's pregnant with someone else's child and you promised you'd be there? Is that why she was crying in your office?"

He just looked at me.

"No, I don't need to deal with that again. Melissa told me how you are with her, and after everything she did Tuesday, she gets away with it? Leave me alone, Gavin."

I pushed past him and got out the door as fast as I could, and that's when the worst thing happened. Brad's car was waiting outside.

"I thought you said Stella was coming? I guess you aren't the woman I thought you were?"

Brad stepped out and approached us. "Is everything okay?" He asked.

I looked at Gavin, not believing he's going to turn this on me. "I'll be fine once we're gone."

Stella stepped out of the car and I saw the regret on Gavin's face. I didn't care and just climbed in the backseat. After a good stare down between Gavin and Brad, he finally got in and we were off and heading toward home.

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