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I walked downstairs early to go to work, when I saw Kellen and Mr. Hardwick there to pick me up. I held out a finger to tell Hardwick to wait, then approached Kellen.

"I told you I had it handled."

He pointed at Gavin's car. "He came all the way out here to pick you up? What did I tell you about him? You don't listen worth a shit!"

I pointed right back at him. "You have no idea what you're talking about, and I don't have to listen to you. Who the hell do you think you are? I make my own decisions, Kellen!"

I started to walk away, but he grabbed my arm and spun me around. "I'm the man that has loved you for five fucking years!" He slammed his lips on mine, but I pushed him off. That's when I heard footsteps behind me.

"That was so over the line. Don't you ever touch me again! You haven't respected our agreement. I'm so pissed at you right now!"

I started to walk away, and Gavin placed his arm on my back. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I snapped, then turned to Kellen. "You're destroying the friendship we had, and I'm so beyond hurt that you'd force your lips on me. Take a breather, and give me some fucking space!"

"You think this asshole or his brother gives a shit about you? Think again, Kori. You're just a game to them!"

Gavin paused in his track. "As a matter of fact, Kellen. She has proven herself a valued employee. You don't know her as much as you claim if you think she'd fall for anyone's game. Find yourself a new fucking business deal. I won't tolerate the way you just treated my employee. Let's go, Kori."

I heard Kellen's tires squeal just as I got in the car. I tried wiping my mouth off, but my stomach did summersaults. "I think I'm going to be sick." I hopped out of the car and ran for my apartment. I've never been so happy for a first-floor apartment.

Gavin's feet were right behind mine, and I slammed my bathroom door and waited for the show, but it never happened.

I brushed my teeth while cursing Kellen, then ran back out, but was stopped in my living room by Gavin himself.

"Holy shit, are you okay?" I nodded.

"Why is he doing this to me? He forced himself..." I cried, and I know I overreacted, but he's supposed to be my friend.

He pulled me in and hugged me.

"I know it's not a big deal to other people, but he's supposed to be my friend."

"He still violated you, so you have every reason to be upset. Not sure I've seen anyone get sick for that reason, but you're something else, Miss. Heart. You're exceptional."

"Its Kori. You can call me, Kori." His breath hitched, and I felt him kiss my head. "I'm sorry, Gavin."

"Don't be."

I straightened up and pulled myself together when I heard Stella's bedroom door open.

"Kori, is that you?"

"Yeah, I'm on my way out, but we have company." Too late.

She walked out in her tiny tee and underwear.

"Oops, sorry," she said, but Gavin didn't look up. He was looking at me.

She ran back to her room and I had to giggle at her. "We're going."

"Bye!" She yelled back.

When we got to work after a quiet ride, and without me falling when stepping off the elevator, the day went a lot smoother. Brenda and I went for our usual lunch, then Brenda took me for my car after work.

"Join Chloe and me for some shopping and dinner. Stella is coming, and you'll love both of them."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, hop in with me, it'll be fun."

We met the girls at the local bar and grill, and after a few drinks, Brenda hit it off with my two best friends.

"I'm kicking Kellens ass when I see him. He knows better than to act like that with you." Chloe is pissed.

"When I came out of my room, she was pretty cozy with who I presume is the boss?" Stella laughed.

"You could cut the sexual tension with a knife when these two are in the room." Brenda points out.


"You mean world war 3? He hates me." I threw in.

"He doesn't hate you. He wants you." Brenda laughed at me.

"Wants me for what? To walk the plank?" I laughed.

"Nevermind." Brenda looks at the other girls and they smirk.

I was glad when dinner was over and we finally got to shopping. I need winter clothes because the temps are only dropping outside.

Chloe even helped Brenda, and I can see Brenda is really enjoying herself.

"Kori, this has you written all over it!" Chloe holds up a mid-length long sleeve v-neck black dress with a mermaid hemline that fit very snug.

Then she handed me a pencil dress with white trim and belt.

I also got a new jacket, winter coat, varies skirts and pencil skirts, along with, thankfully, some slacks and blouses.

With my budget blown and a trunk full of clothes, shoes, and handbags, I dropped Brenda off at her car and went on home when I got a text from Gavin.

"I'll pick you up in the morning since we have a long trip after work."

"Okay, see you in the morning."

I chose to keep it short and sweet, then completed my nightly ritual and went to bed.

Kori's Angel Heart (A Completed Steamy, Romantic Comedy)Where stories live. Discover now